What is ok?-Bmc

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Note: I saw this at the store and thought,"This is illegal" Then I realized it was code red. Thank goodness they didn't sin.
Ships?:Arson Bros sorta
Trigger warnings?: Swearing, suicidal thoughts,

Rich's Pov.

What is ok? Truth is I don't know. Jake and I arrived in his house. It was nearing the end of our Sophomore year and I had a secret. Well two secrets. One was personal. I'd never say it to anyone. The second was...

~~Flashback brought to you by my horrible writing skillz~~

I walked into an alley way next to a mall. I sat against the wall with my note in hand. This was one of the millions of times my dad got wasted. There were few gashes in my arm. But everything still hurt. What's the point anymore. If he doesn't care why should I? My hand drifted towards cylindrical object in my pocket when a faint clatter was heard. I turned my head around."Hello?"

A shady man with fully black clothes walked up to me. "Heya kid. Why are you doing back here." He was holding a shoe box.

"I was going to thmoke pot, but then realized I left my thtash at home." I lied.

"You don't look like the type who would smoke pot." He commented,"You look like your a hopeless teenage loser."

"And you look like a drug dealer." I scoffed.

"That's half true." I raised an eyebrow, "Listen kid do you get bullied, you want a better life? To become popular, maybe live your lifelong dreams?" More intrigued I nodded. He opened the shoe box to reveal these small Wintergreen TicTac's. "Well this Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor or SQUIP will help you achieve that." I examined the grey oblong pill.

"How do I know your not lying to me?"

"You don't. But based off that note, your looks, and that lisp this seems like your only hope." I looked at my hand. The note was still there, but it was folded so the naked eye could not see what's written. I looked back at him, he only pointed to his head.

I sighed,"I assume this will cost money."

He nodded,"$400-"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I can't pay for that. Money's...tight at home. Could I maybe do something else in return?"

The man opened his mouth but before any words left his lips, his eyes glossed over. He was mumbling to himself. I felt creeped out and started walking away. "Wait!" He called.

I turned. "My Squip is telling me you could help sell these. Make me money."

I thought for a moment before replying, "Deal." We shook hands before he gave me this so called 'Squip'. I popped the pill into my mouth before he said,"Take this Mountain Dew. It doesn't work without Mountain Dew." I nodded and grabbed the bottle. "Just know that Green activates it and Red shuts it off." I nodded before taking a huge gulp of Mountain Dew and swallowing the pill whole. "Good luck, and come by this exact alley every weekend to give me your earnings." He then left.

I waited a couple of seconds before concluding that it was indeed fake. I started to walk away but then this indescribable pain flooded through my head. I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor. No one came near me, and even if they did I couldn't hear them due to the voice in my head saying.

Target Inaccessible

"What the fuck?!"

Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort.

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