Friends. Chapter 4.

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Its been a month since their week on earth and they gone back to fighting back against lotor. The team back to their normal wired self's and was living their normal space lives. They formed voltron and helped saved many planets or destroy galra ships. Pidge got over the many feelings she felt on earth and acted like nothing never happened. 

"paladins i gave a great idea. why dont we go visit a lovely planet" allura said excited as she walked in the lounge where the rest was sitting doing different things. Hunk and lance was talking, shiro was reading something, pidge was on her laptop and keith was on his phone. "no thanks" keith sighed. "oh come on, why not" coran asked them all. "because whenever you say something nice about a planet we end up getting shot or attacked on the planet" Pidge said annoyed and rolled her eyes. "yeah we not met a single planet your called nice or lovely where its been nice or lovely, its just been deadly" Lance yelled with the rest nodding along. "yeah i rather stay here and cook" hunk smiled. "sorry princess but we dont mind risking our life's to save others but risking our life's just so you can get what you want not worth it" shiro said in a dad tone. "but we might be able to with the planet people over and they have a special plant that can make ten people fall asleep together, you could use that when you sneak on a galra ship" allura smirked and everyone sighed. 

"i think only two people should go, the rest of us will stay at the castle so when a galra ship comes to attack you we can give you cover" shiro said with a grin. "but who should go, we need someone who be able to talk with the planet people and understand the plant and someone to help fight back if they get attacked" hunk said with a worried smile. "why not pidge, she clever and can change the mood of the room with just her smile, she be perfect to win the people over" Lance said with a kind smile and Pidge blushed a little. "thanks lance" Pidge smiled as her heart went crazy and Lance blushed a little. "i think lance should go with her, they make a good team" keith said since he didnt really want to go. "great, well go suit up number 5 and 3" coran grinned and the two walked out the room. 


"i wonder where this planet people are" Pidge said since she and lance has been walking for a good ten minutes now and found nothing. "no clue, maybe if we call out or something" Lance sighed and the two stopped by a tree for a break. "hey um lance" Pidge asked a little embarrassed and Lance picked it up. "what's up" lance said a little worried. "about those things you said in the lounge, you were just trying to get out of the mission right" Pidge said hiding her face a little. "yeah a little but i really do think your smart, strong and you smile really can brighten a room" Lance smiled a little embarrassed he was saying it again. "thank you lance" Pidge smiled making lance smile back. "no worries, we friends right" Lance smile but they both felt a pain in their chest at the friend part. "yeah, now lets compete this mission and show them how awesome we are together" Pidge grinned and jump up. "yeah no one can beat us" Lance laughed and the two started looking again. 


"help" Lance yelled with fear and tears running down his face as he ran in carrying a passed out Pidge in his arms. "what happened" Hunk asked with worry. "i dont know, we tried to look for the people but never found anyone then this plant tried to eat pidge, i shot it and when its liquid touch her she passed out" Lance said with worry as he ran to the pods. "get her in the pod" Keith yelled and lance did as he was told, he stood in front of her pod hoping she open her eyes. "she be fine, it seemed the plant liquid just knocked her out" Shiro said with a small smile and he placed his hand on Lance shoulder since lance was still shaking with worry. "thank god, i was scared when she wouldn't open her eyes no matter" Lance said as he knee gave in. 

"wow the plant real, i just made the plant and the people up to make them visit the planet" Allura said shocked. "i think it be best if you didnt tell the others it was a lie, princess" coran said with worry since Pidge could have gotten badly hurt. 

"i made some lunch, why dont you come eat" hunk said with a small smile as lance stayed sitting in front of pidge pod for nearly an hour. "no thanks, I'm gonna wait until she wakes" Lance said with a small smile not looking away from pidge. "she be awake soon, come to the kitchen when she dose and eat" Keith said with a small smile and lance nodded. "i never seen him so scared before" shiro said with worry as the others left. 

"I'm sorry pidge but please open your eyes and show me your ok" Lance begged, he knew she was going to be ok but he was still scared she never open her eyes again. 

"lance" Pidge whispered as the pod opened and she felt out, luckily lance caught her and held her. "pidge" Lance said with a huge smile and held her closer to him. "Lance, what happened" Pidge asked as she hugged him. "the plant stuff knocked you out, I'm so glad your ok" Lance said and rested his head on top of hers. "sorry to scare you" Pidge said with worry. "sorry for not protecting you" Lance frowned and Pidge hugged him tighter. "its not your fault, we didnt know about the plant protective liquid" Pidge yelled holding lance as tight as her small arms could. "but i could have lost you" Lance said and Pidge felt tears hit her eyes. "Lance" Pidge said with worry. "sorry can we stay like this for a little longer, i dont want to let go" Lance cried and pidge stayed hugging him. 


"lance is an idiot but i guess anyone would be scared of losing a friend" keith said as he trained with shiro and hunk. "yeah but he wont leave her side, i know she an important friend to him but i never seen him this scared" shiro said with worry. "well maybe he was scared of her dying, pidge is always looking out for him and messing around with him and yet he nearly lost her right in front of his eyes, of couse he be scared and freak out" hunk said with a small smile. "they both care deeply for each other and just remember how scared pidge was when she thought lance was dead, she was hugging his body very tight and begging him to wake up, it took all three of us to pull her away so allura could start the pod up" Keith said with a worry. "your right, maybe I'm just shock from seeing the idiot lance freak out so much" Shiro sighed and the other two smiled at him. 


"lance, their something i need to tell you" Pidge said taking a deep breath and felt like she was going to die. Lance pulled away and looked her dead in the eye seeing how nervous she was. "Pidge" Lance said in his soft voice and held her hands in him trying to calm her a little. "lance i lo" Pidge started to say with a sweet smile but the door opened making them both jump. "ah i see number 5 is up, that good since dinner just been made" coran said with a smile. "oh cool, we head over" pidge said rubbed her neck. "lance shall we walk to the dinner room together" allura asked with a small smile. "ah well since we all heading the same way" lance blushed and walked towards allura but stopped and turned to Pidge noticing she didnt move yet. "I'm gonna go change first since i still smell the flower" Pidge lied with a stupid smile. "do you want me to walk to your room" lance asked with a worried smile. "nah i be good, i meet you all in the dinner room" Pidge smiled and the rest started walking.

"wait pidge, what was you going to say" Lance asked with worry. "oh did we interrupt something" allura said with worry. "ah no, i was just gonna say thanks" Pidge lied. "dont worry about it" Lance smiled and the three started walking again leaving Pidge to go change. 

"idiot, what the hell was you going to say" Pidge yelled to herself. 

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