Chapter Four

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Kirishima's POV

"Bakugou, what are you doing here?" I asked, extremely confused.
"I want to know why you're so freakin weird." He responded, as he let himself into my room.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Well, you jump every time someone looks at you. You skipped lunch. You have bruises on your neck. And last night you were screaming."
"Wait what? I was? How do you know?" I was really starting to panic now, he was asking too many questions.
"Yeah you were, my room is the one right next to yours so I could hear you." He raised his eyebrows at me waiting for me to explain.
"Um, I-I, uh,  just had a nightmare that's all." I finally answered. "And why do you care? From what I've heard you you only care about yourself." He scoffed when I said that.
"Fine, you know what, I don't care." He said and he left my room. I sighed as I closed the door behind him. Geez why does he have to be nosey?

I get started on my homework but quickly get bored, so I went downstairs to the lounge. Pretty much everyone from 1A was there, and several students from the other classes.
"Kirishima! There you are!" Mina called to me, I walked over to her. Next to her is Denki, Sero, and Jiro. Denki had introduced me to her earlier.
"Yeah bro, where'd you go?" Denki asked.
"I just wasn't hungry" I lied.

Mina's POV

When I first saw Eijiro earlier that day I didn't recognize him because of the red hair, but when he introduced himself I realized who he was. We went to the same middle school, I guess we were friends. I would eat with him and walk home with him sometimes, we had a lot of classes together so we would partner up. But we never got super close, and I know why. His. Parents. Are. Horrible. One time there was an assembly, and of course all the students brought their parents. Poor Eijiro looked terrified the whole time he flinched ever time his father spoke to him, I could tell that he was being abused at home. And I have always felt awful for what happened next; I decided to go over and say hi to Eiji, so I did and we chatted for a minute or two until I made the horrible mistake of pointing out who my parents were. I have two fabulous, stunning, amazing, awesome, moms. Kiri didn't seem to have a problem with it but his parents looked horrified, his father glared at me and then took Eijiro by the wrist and dragged him out of the gym. As he passed I could hear him say things like 'how dare you be friends with someone as disgusting as that' and 'how many times have we told you to stay away f*gs'. He left the building but I had a really bad feeling so I followed them, when I poked my head out the door I saw his father hit him a couple times. After that Eijiro barley talked to me, he did apologize for the way his father reacted and assured me he didn't feel the same way. Eiji is really sweet even with the situation he is in.

"So" I say to change the subject "anyone got their eye on someone? There was some pretty cute people in our class." I said giving everyone the eyebrow wiggle. No one answered. "Oh come on, give me something to work with."
"What do you mean work with?" Sero questioned me.
"I need some gossip!" I responded dramatically. "Any girls you interested in Sero?"
"Boo, you're no fun. What about you Kami?" And suddenly may Gaydar goes crazy. I have this awesome ability to sense fellow LGBTs. He sneaks a quick, unnoticed glance at Sero, well at lest he thinks it was unnoticed.
"Uh, no." He replied. I turn my head to Jiro and my Gaydar goes off again.
"What about you Jiro, any girls you thought were cute?" She looked a little thrown off when I said that and her checks flushed a light pink.
"Um, Momo Yaoyorozu." She mumbled.
"Ooooh, yeah she is a hottie." I finally look over to Kiri. "And what about you? I mean no girl could resist you now, you buffed up and the red looks smokin!" He chuckled slightly when I said that.
"It's the first day Mina, and I practically didn't even look at anyone else in the class." He replied, avoiding the question completely.
"I'll take that as a no, well that Toru girl is a cutie." I say answering my own question.
"But you can't even see her." Denki said.
"So?" I replied, I giggle a little. We spent the next hour or two hanging out in the lounge until eventually everyone went to their rooms to get started on the already huge pile of homework.

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