Chapter Twenty One

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Bakugou's POV

Kiri has been really quiet all day, everyone's noticed. People keep asking me why he's upset, just assuming I know. I mean, I do know. But it's kinda weird, I have an actual friend that I'm with almost all the time. I'm with him so much, people come to me to ask questions about him. It's just so unlike me.

Anyway, today we're going to the new and improved USJ to train. That perverted grape keeps insisting that he USJ is cursed, and if we go we'll get attacked again. I think he's just a wimp who needs to go crying to his mommy.

"Yo bro, what do you think about UA reopening the USJ?" I heard Pikachu ask.
"It should be fine, right? All Might retired, and Bakugou made it very clear that he's not joining the League. What other reason would the League have to attack?" Kirishima answered.
"Yeah, I guess. What about you Bakugou? You think he place is cursed?"
"I think you're hanging out with Mineta too much. The place isn't cursed." I said, shortly.
"Really? So you're not at all scared to go back?" Pikachu teased. I gave him a hard glare and turned away from him.

We all finished getting our hero suits on, and went to wait for the girls to join in the classroom. As soon as they did Aizawa lead us to the bus, and we all loaded up. I sat next to Kiri, but neither of us said much. Kirishima was acting a little jumpy, and nervous. When we finally arrived it was a bit of a relief. Sitting in silence was way more awkward then it should have been.

And thus began the day of training. The facility is actually pretty dang cool when it isn't getting attacked. Aizawa had us fight against classmates that we maybe haven't fought against before. I hate to admit it, but that frog girl is actually real strong.

But it feels like nothing can ever go the way we want it too. About half way through the day, we saw that horrible all too familiar purple smoke. Followed by Nomus, lots of them. In fact, besides Shigaraki and Kouriguri, Nomus were the only ones emerging from the mist. I heard Aizawa mutter a stream of colorful words, and pose himself ready to fight.

"I knew you idiots would use this place again. All I had to do was wait until you thought it was safe. I'm sure you all assumed I wouldn't attack your precious USJ again." Shigarakis scratchy voice yelled at us.

Kirishima's POV

I felt my stomach drop. Eight huge Nomu were waiting for orders, waiting to attack. Shigaraki was laughing like a madman saying that we are all fools for thinking we would ever be safe. Mineta was crying mutter that he was right, and that this place is cursed.
Shigaraki laughed one last time, and then told the Nomu to attack.

It was like time stood still. I looked over to my friends, seeing the fear in their eyes. I noticed Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Bakugou getting ready to fight.

These idiots, All Might could barley hold his ground with one of these. What do they think they're gonna be able to do?

Everyone was exhausted from training, Tsuyu had been hurt from a falling rock earlier. No one was in fighting shape. I watched in horror as the Nomu rushed right at the people I care for. I can't let this happen, not again.

I ran forward. Midoriya, Bakugou, and a few others yelled after me. My heart is racing, my blood pounding in my ears. I took a deep breath, knowing that after I do this, my life will never be the same. And, as if I've done it a million times, I transformed. Full transformation, for only the second time is my life.

The Nomu all stopped, staring up at me. I took that moment to glance behind me, everyone had the same terrified look on their faces. I know they're scared of me, I know they will probably hate me. But if they're safe, that's all that matters.

The Nomu jumped on me, all eight of them at the same time. I whipped my head around and grabbed one, I chomped down as hard as I could and then threw the Nomu across the USJ. It stayed on the ground for a moment before it started regenerating and running back at me. I opened my wigs, causing a few of them to fall off. I then swung my tail and slammed  three or four Nomu against the wall.

You'd think by the control I had over this form that I use it all the time. But if I'm being entirely honest, I have no idea how I'm fighting so well. I'm in a whole different body!

Suddenly, one of the Nomu ran after my classmates. I watched as he reached out, his clawed hand just a few feet away from Kodas face. I lunged after him and pulled him away just barely in time. And as I was distracted, another Nomu bit into my neck. I cried out in pain, but the sound that escaped my mouth was not what I was expecting. Instead, a loud, deep, booming roar echoed through the USJ.

What happened after that was all a blur. One moment I'm attacking the Nomu, the next, they're tearing at my flesh. I continued to keep them away from my classmates, but I wasn't going to be able to stand strong for much longer.

The fight went on for a while, and I was close to losing consciousness. There were only three Nomu still able to fight, the rest were either knocked out, or trapped under something. My energy was draining, and fast. I heard police sirens in the distance, which means hero's will be here any minute. But it feels as though my attacks aren't effecting the Nomu any more.

The door to the USJ burst open and pro hero's rushed toward us. They hesitated at the sight of me, but Aizawa yelled something at them and they jumped into action.

As soon as all of the Nomu were secured, I was finally able to stop fighting. I transformed back into human, and fell to the floor. I could barley breathe, the slash on my throat was small in dragon form, but now it was across my entire neck.

"EIJIROU!" Bakugou yelled. I looked over and saw him trying to come to me, but the heroes wouldn't let him pass. I tried to stand up, but the moment I was on my feet again, everything started to spin. I hit the ground and heard Bakugou yell.

The last thing I saw before everything went dark, was a cracked, smiling face. And purple smoke.


So Wattpad barley lets me open the app anymore, I don't have a single stink'n clue why. I'm also not getting notifications anymore. The other day I opened the app (and it actually worked) and I had about 500 notifications 😰

Also, I know I replied to a lot of your comments and I'm sure it was annoying, sorry. But! Let me say
You guys are freakin hilarious! I was dying reading all your comments.

Also also, I scared a lot of you in chapter ten. Sorry lol

Also also also, (yeah I know, I'm annoying) a lot of people are commenting about the Dragon Hero, so let me clear this up. This story is an AU, dragon quirks don't exist in this AU.

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