Chapter Fourteen

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Time skip, why? Because I'm evil. And it's a big time skip, muhahaaha.
One week later.

Bakugou's POV

It's been a week, a whole week! Kiri still hasn't woken up, and the doctors are already talking about taking him off life support. I'm absolutely terrified. I haven't been to school all week, I've been at my parents. A couple times I went back to my dorm, and I even spent a night in Kiri's room. But for the most part, I've been at the hospital. Kiri's healing process has been really slow, the doctors say that because they have so many things just keeping him alive that his body is not paying too much attention to his wounds. All of class 1A came to visit him, and Meitu has been here a couple times.  Everyone was confused to see Kiri with black hair, all the dye has worn out. I didn't really notice until someone mentioned it.
Kazuma has been here at the hospital a lot, in fact he's always here. My parents invited him over for dinner a couple times and he's actually really cool. He talks about all the really cool things Kiri can do, like seriously could Kirishima can get any cooler. He said that he lives on a ranch and that Kiri goes to his house a lot. And get this, Kiri can ride horses, four wheelers, bulls, he can shoot, skin an animal, cook it. Like seriously what the heck, how can someone be good at everything!?

Right now I'm at the hospital, I'm just in the waiting room. Whenever I'm just sitting here I like to watch the people that come through and try to figure out what there like.
I watched as a women came in, she looked strangely familiar. She had long sleek black hair that almost touched her knees, and her face. I don't know why but I recognize her face. She walked over to the secretary.
"Excuse me, can you tell me what room Eijiro Kirishima is in." Her voice was silky and soft, but at the same time a little raspy.
"Relation?" The secretary asked.
Wait a minute, that's Kiri's mom!? No wonder I thought I recognized her. But what is she doing here?
The secretary told Kiri's mom where his room was and she quickly went down the correct hallway.
About ten minutes later she came back out, she nodded to the secretary and left. Interesting.

Kirishima's POV

Where am I? What am I seeing? Why is everything so blurry?
"Hey Kiri, it's me. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm going to talk anyway."
Was that Bakugou? It sounded like him. But why can't I see him? What's going on?
"Hey buddy, it's your uncle."
"It doesn't look too good."
"Oh my gosh, Ei."
"Is he going to be okay?"
"Thank you for saving me."
"Why is his hair black?"
"It's okay, everything is alright, you don't need to shift."
"Soon we're going to have to take him off life support."
"I miss you, you better wake up idiot."
"Hey honey I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, your father wouldn't let me."
All these voices floating around in my head, just a huge jumbled up mess. Ugh they need to stop, how do I get them to stop? Stop, STOP!

I opened my eyes. Where am I? Who's that sitting next to me? Why can't I remember anything?
"Oh my gosh, Kiri?" The person said. Why can't I remember who this person is?
"Oh my gosh, oh thank goodness you're awake." He started crying and hugged me. Why is he crying?
"Who? What's going on?"
"It's okay, you're okay now." I felt comfortable when he said that but at the same time, I don't know him. I don't know where I am. A door opened and two people walked in. One of them was wearing a robe thing, he looked like a doctor. Am I in a hospital?
"Hey there. How are you feeling." The doctor asked.
"Um, I don't know." I looked down and realized both my arms are in casts.
"Can you tell me your name?" He asked. Wait, why can't I remember my name? No, no I remember. I think. I furrowed my eyebrows and concentrated for a moment.
"Um, it's Ei-Eijiro. Um, Kirishima." I eventually said. Why was that so hard?
"Good. Can you tell me who that is?" The doctor asked, pointing to the boy who hugged me. I know him. I know I know him. He's my friend, right? UGH! Why is it so hard to think? I stared at him hard trying to remember, he smiled at me. Why do I feel like he shouldn't smile?
"It's okay if you don't remember, take your time." The doctor said.
"No, no I remember. That's, uh..." DANG IT WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! Wait, I remember. "That's Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou." Katsuki gave me a huge smile.
"Good. And him?" The doctor pointed to the other man who had walked in. I know him. That's.....AHHHH! WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER!!
I stared at him hard. I got this, I can remember, c'mon.
"That' uncle....Kazuma." He smiled widely at me. Then the door opened and three people come in, they look at me and instantly start freaking out.
"Oh my gosh you're awake!"
"Why didn't you tell us Bakugou?!"
"Oh my goodness I'm so glad you're okay!"
They were all talking over the top of each other, the doctor glared at them and they went quiet.
"He just woke up. Now Kirishima, can you tell me who this is?" He pointed to a boy with bright yellow hair that had a black streak shaped like a lightning bolt.
I sat and thought for a long time but couldn't remember, I tried and tried, but not a single memory of him.
"I-I'm sorry......I can't."
"There's no need to apologize Kirishima. What about her?" He pointed to a girl with pink hair and skin. She looked quite wild you would expect me to be able to remember her.
"No..." I whispered.
"Alright. Him?" The doctor pointed to the last person, he had black hair and a pretty basic face. Everyone stayed quiet as I tried to remember.
"I-" my voice cracked and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."
The boy gave me a sad smile."It's okay Kiri."
"Okay, I'm going to need all of you to leave. I will let you back in in a moment, but for now please be patient." The doctor said. I watched as everyone smiled, waved, and left the room. Bakugou hesitated trying to stay with me, but Kazuma pushed him out the door.
Once they left the doctor asked me things like how old I am and where I go to school, what my quirk is, all of which I remembered. He asked me what I can last remember, I told him about how I had stayed at Bakugou's and that we went for a walk, but after that it's just completely blank.


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