Chapter Seven

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Bakugou's POV

"Thank you Katsuki"
Holy crap, that was adorable. I closed the door and went to my room. I plopped down on my bed and giggled into my pillow, I lifted my head disgusted at what I had just done
"That was extremely gay." I said to the empty room. But I couldn't help it, when he said my first name it was like I was hit with a bus of realization. I'm in love. Dagnabbit, no one even knows I'm gay, Not like I care. I looked at the clock 3am, gosh I'm going to be so tired in the morning.

                                                               The next night
Kirishima's POV

I have absolutely no idea what to wear to a party, I've never been to one. I sat there staring at my closet for a whole 5 minutes until I finally grabbed something. I came out of my room wearing a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, I thin slightly torn dark grey tank top, and a red flannel. I also put in a pair of small black earrings. I'm pretty sure no one know my ears are pierced because I never wear earrings, I don't want to seem too gay. I pulled out my phone and texted the Bakusquad group chat.

Sharky boi: So where is your house again? And who keeps changing my name?
Scotch Tape: I did. It's funny
Pinky shared her location
Sharky boi: Sweet, be there in a few.
Pikachu IRL: This is gonna be great!

I put my phone in my pocket, fixed me hair one last time and walked out the door. When I got to her house mostly everyone was there. I looked around until I spotted Bakugou standing in the living room next to a pool table. He and Todoroki were in the middle of a game and by the look on Bakugou's face he was winning. I walked over and watched the rest of the game, Bakugou won and Todoroki had to pay him 20 bucks. When Todoroki left I went up to say hi, but just as I was about to get his attention Mina turned down the radio and got everyone's attention.
"So now that everyone is here, why don't we play a little truth or dare?" She said with a
literal glint in her eye. Mina moved the coffee table, and everyone sat in a circle on the floor.
"Let's see, Sero truth or dare? She asked.
"Dare" he said confidently.
"Oooh fun! I dare you to hold hands with Denki for the rest of the game!" She said excitedly.
"The rest of the game?! But we just started!" Mina raised her eyebrows at him. "Fine." He reached down and grabbed Denki's hand and I swear I saw Kaminari turn bright red before hiding his face. The game went on Jiro had to lick Todoroki's face, Iida had to tell his embarrassing childhood crush story, Midoriya had to kiss his crush which turned out to be Todoroki, and Mina had to tell everyone what color her underwear is (lace lavender). A little ways into the game Mina brought out alcohol, and the game just got weirder and weirder.
"Kirishima, truth or dare." Momo asked me.
"Hehe, okay ummm, are you a virgin?" She asked me, giggling.
"Can I have a *hic* different question?"
"Ugh, Fine. Technically, no."
"What do you mean technically?" Kaminari asked me, still holding hands with Sero.
"Well when I was *hic* about, uh, eight I think my *hic* creepy aunt was staying at our house and she *hic* decided to have a little fun." I said giggling drunkly. The look on everyone's faces was priceless. "And that's all the detail you're gonna get, you're lucky I said that much."
"Gosh Kiri, that's awful." Uraraka said with her hand cover her mouth.
"Oh well. My turn! Bakugou, truth or *hic* dare?"
"Oh ho ho, ummm I dare you toooooo" I looked around the room trying to think of something . "I dare you to hug Midoriya!" I said, cackling evilly.
"Heck no"
"You have to it's *hic* a dare!" He glared at me as continue to laugh, he got up and walked over to Midoriya, Midoriya looked terrified.
"And you can't try to kill him!" I add.
"I still frickin hate you Deku." He said as darkly as he could as he gives Midoriya the most rigged hug I have ever seen. As he did so everyone in the room went 'aawwwww' and Bakugou started screaming.

The game went on, everyone went a couple more times until Mina looked directly at me.
"Ei, Truth. Or. Dare." She says dramatically.
"Perfect." She suddenly runs out of the room, we all look at each other confused but she quickly came back.
"When I went to your house to pick up my school books I forgot in your bag, I noticed you have a guitar in your room." She says handing me a guitar she got from the other room. "Play us something. And sing too!"
"Are you kidding? I'm waaay to drunk."
"C'mon! You have to it's a dare."
"Fine, but I'm not even good when I'm sober."

Bakugou's POV

"Whatever just play!" Raccoon eyes prompted. 
"Here give me a sec." Kirishima said. He got up and walked over to the kitchen sink, he splashed water on his face trying to sober up a bit. He came sat down and grabbed the guitar, he played a cool little riff to get a feel of the instrument. He took a deep breath and started playing the intro to a song I've never heard, but when he started singing it sounded like an angel. I instantly feel my face start to heat up, I try to hide it but I didn't want to look away. As soon as he started singing his voice stop slurring the way it had before. I have no clue what he was singing but I didn't want him to stop, he looked beautiful. I suddenly noticed how amazing he looked tonight, I noticed his earrings and felt my face turn even redder, if that's possible. He looked so hot with earrings! He suddenly stop singing and I snapped out of the trance I was in.
"That's all I got." He said chuckling nervously.
"Kiri! That was amazing!" Ashido said, jaw dropped. As I look around I saw that everyone looked like they had seen an angel.
"I'll let you guys hear the rest of it when I'm sober and done writing it."
"Wait you wrote that?!" I asked in complete awe.
"Yeah, it's not very good though."
"What do you not very good?! That was the greatest thing I've ever heard!" Deku said, way too enthusiastically.

Once everyone calmed down and stopped praising Kirishima, we played a couple more rounds. It was going just fine until...
"Bakugou, truth or dare?" Invisible weirdo asked me.
"Are you gay?"
The question caught me off guard. What the heck? How would she know?! What do I do? Do I answer truthfully?
"Hellooo? Bakugou, you gonna answer the question?" Pikachu wannabe said waving his free hand in front of my face.
"You don't have to answer Bakugou." Kirishima said sweetly, but I just ignored him.
"Yeah, so what? Over half you guys are lesbians so what's the big deal?" I said, trying not to sound flustered at all.
"Guys not cool. You don't make someone come out like that." Kirishima said looking really upset about it.
"It's not a big deal, I don't care if anyone knows." I said, but I was really touched with how worried he was about it.

We finished the game and some people went home, others just crashed in the living room, I scoffed when I noticed elbows and dunce face asleep on the couch spooning. I looked over to see Kirishima practically asleep standing with his head against the door frame. He was absolutely wasted. I took him to my car and helped him into the front seat, I hadn't had anything to drink so I would be able to drive just fine. I get in the drivers seat and start backing up, I then realize that I have no idea where Kirishima lives. Guess I'll just take him to my house. As I start driving to my neighborhood Kirishima suddenly spoke, startling me.
"I used to have a secret boyfriend."
"What?" I asked confused with this sudden statement.
"I had a secret boyfriend. About a year ago this dude cat-fished me online, *hic* when we finally met face to face *hic* he told me the truth about how he was 'Michu' and that he was sorry, And I was stupid enough *hic* to believe it. We started to hang out and become friends, but after a while friends wasn't enough for him. He started to harass me, begging me to go out with him. He used the *hic* whole 'I'm going to hurt you and myself'. Finally I gave in and we started dating, but it wasn't really dating it was more like *hic* him aggressively kissing me and trying to take my clothes off all the time. I wouldn't let him so he would hit me a lot. And I finally decided to end it when he smashed my head into a wall and split my eyelid open. He wasn't very happy about it. So I didn't tell him that I was trying for UA, When I *hic* made it in we moved to be closer to the school and I didn't tell him." He looked up at me, tears streaming down his face. "I have no idea way I just told you all of that." Everything he had said was extremely slurred because of how drunk he is but I could understand.
"Gosh Eiji. That's intense." I said, really shocked at what I had heard. He started giggling. "What?"
"You called me Eiji. I like that" he was smiling super wide.
"You are so drunk." I said shaking my head to hide the fact that I was blushing super hard.

Hey yo, so I don't know if anyone is actually reading this (probably not) but if you are, cool! This isn't very good, I'm just hoping I'll  improve the more I work on it. If you notice any mistakes please let me know, and if you see that I'm spelling their names wrong TELL ME! I hope that if you do read this you're able to enjoy it despite my terrible grammar. Let me know if I should even bother continuing to write this.
That's all folks.

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