Chapter Twenty Five

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Bakugou's POV

I'm going to put this simply. This is my fault. How could I let this happen again? I've let Kirishima go and get himself hurt. He's gone, again. At this point I'm just pissed off. It feels like the whole frickin universe is against Kiri. He can't just be happy. And I can't be happy either. Eijirou Kirishima is my best friend, he is the most important person in my life, and he keeps getting yanked away from me.

Everyone is trying to get me to open up, but I don't need to talk about my feelings. Aizawa told me that some people are worried I might be suicidal. But I'm not. Yes, I'm distant. Yes, I'm angry. And yes, I'm sad. But I'm not going to take my life. I need to focus on getting Kiri back, and I know that sounds just straight up depressing.

Aizawa keeps telling me that there are pro heroes on the job, but I think that's a load of crap. Kirishima, Deku, and the rest, found me when I was kidnapped all by themselves. And Aizawa is trying to tell me that pro heroes can't find him. The problem is that they aren't trying as hard. It's been weeks, and they are slowly giving up. It hurts to think about what's happening to Kiri right now, so I don't. But, Eijirou Kirishima is the strongest person I know, and not just physically. He'll be what I keep telling myself.

Kirishima's POV

Two days after he was captured

"Alright brat, time for your first day of training. You've had all those hero lessons, it's time to beat them out of you." Shigaraki said, leading me to a new room.
After they bandaged me, they had kept me alone in the same dark room for a long time. Probably days, but I'm not sure, there were no windows or light of any kind. And I couldn't hear anything through the door.
This new room was much larger, and full of light. It was almost completely empty, aside from a table on the far left side of the room. Standing in the middle of the room was Dabi.

"Dabi is in charge of today's training. He can do whatever he pleases, aside from killing you. Training will also be for however long as he wishes it to be. This is going to be quite hard Eijirou, and I suggest you comply. Because we are willing to do this for as long as it takes."

And that, was the start of it all. That day was the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. "Training" was just torture. Dabi burned, beat, and scratched me. He used weapons, his quirk, and his bare hands. By the end of our 4 hour training, I was so hurt, I could barley stand. Then, I was patched up, and locked back away into my dark, cold room. And the next day, it was Toga's turn. She preferred to slice, cut and stab. She got tired out quicker, so our lesson was only 3 hours. Bandaged, locked away, repeat. Everyone had their own way of teaching me, but in the end it was all the same. Every three days I was given something to eat and drink. And this went on, everyday, for two weeks.

One thing I made sure to never do, was cry in front of them. No matter the pain, no matter the hunger, or thirst. I would not give them the pleasure of seeing me cry. But that wasn't the same for when I was alone in my dark prison. The first few days I didn't let myself cry at all, I told myself 'you're a hero! Don't be weak!'. But there's only so long you can stay strong. Eventually, everyone breaks down. In the end, there is no such thing as strength. That's just a cover we put up to hide what we hate most about ourselves. In the end, everyone is weak.


Shigaraki let's me watch the news reports about me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Maybe it's to give me false hope, or a sense of safety. I noticed though, in the first few days, it was all a craze. Everyone needed to talk to the principal and teachers of UA, even to my parents, though they never actually were able to. But there was a lot to be reported. Student with hidden, undocumented quirk. UA letting yet another student be taken. I was everywhere. Dozens of pro hero agencies talking about how 'they were on the job!' and 'They are so close to bringing me home!'
But. After a few weeks, I started to disappear. News channels would only spend brief moments talking about me, and pro heroes had new things to worry about. UA went back to normal classes and studies, even class 1A.
The heroes, the school, they lost hope in me.

And then today. Right before my training I was sitting in the main room watching the news, as I do everyday. And I wasn't mentioned once. Not even the usual picture of me was displayed in the corner of the screen saying "if you see this boy, report it immediately".  Not once was I brought up.
And there it was. My breaking point. It's been a month now, and now is when it all becomes too much. I had been given up on. I was forgotten. And I cried. I sobbed. I screamed out in pain and anguish. I knew all that I was doing was giving Shigaraki what he wanted, but I didn't care. It was finally the point in which I no longer mattered to the world.

Words: 1036

Another short chapter, sorry!
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving! I did:) My brother, who lives a few states away, surprised us. We spent all thanksgiving break with him, so it was nice. Tell me about your thanksgiving if you like. I read all of your comments, and really love reading them.
Currently, I am sitting next to my grandpa. He's passing away. He's asleep at the moment, and I really just need a distraction. So talk to me! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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