Chapter Eighteen

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Kirishima's POV

I jolted awake.

I remember!

I looked at my clock, 4am. But that's not important right now, what's important is that I remember! I jumped out of bed, quickly pulled on a pair of pants, and rushed out of my room. I impatiently waited in the elevator, dashing out as soon as the doors opened. I ran to Mina's dorm and burst in.
"Mina! Mina wake up!" I said, shaking her.
"Wha?" She said sleepily, siting up.
"I remember!"
"Hmm?" She hummed, her eyes closed. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her hard.
"Wake up!" I said as her head bobbled around.
"Okay, I'm awake." She mumbled, looking at me with her eyes half open.
"I remember you!" I exclaimed. Instantly her eyes shot open and her jaw dropped.
"REALLY?!!" She screeched.
"Yeah!" I giggled as she jumped at me, tackling me onto her bed.
"Yeah! But you need to quiet down."
"Geez" I said, laughing as she continued to screech.
"So you really remember!"
"Yeah I do!"
"Mina! You're gonna wake up the whole country." I said, trying to get her to quiet down.
"What is going on in here?" I heard a voice say from the door way.
"Oh sorry- URARAKA! I remember you too!" As I turned around and saw her face memories of her flooded back.
"Wait, really?!" She squealed, her face lighting up.
"Yeah!" I answered. She rushed over and hugged me, making a happy little squeaking sound as she did so.
"That's wonderful your memories are coming back!"
"Why are you guys up?" Came Yaoyorozu's voice.
"Momo! Kiri's starting to remember things!" Mina yelled, still hugging me tight.
"Really?!" Yaoyorozu shouted. About two seconds later the face of every girl in 1A was staring at me, and I remember every one of them.
As I was getting suffocated with hugs by all the girls, I heard Mina ask.
"Do you remember Denki and Hanta?" When She said their names, the fog in my brain cleared.
"I do now!"
"Let's go!" Mina screamed. And the next second her and I are running down the hall, headed towards Kaminari's room.
When we opened the door we found not only Kaminari, but Sero as well, spooning.
"How cute. GET UP!" Mina screamed at them. I've never seen someone fly out of bed so quickly. In a matter of seconds Kaminari and Sero were on the floor.
"What the heck?!" Kaminari asked, angrily.
"Sorry to interrupt your spooning, big announcement to make. KIRI FRICKIN REMEMBERS US!!!"
The looks on their faces didn't really change, they sat there staring at us in confusion, until it finally dawned on them what Mina had just said.
"You're serious?!" Sero shouted.
"Yeah." I chuckled. We're gonna wake up all the boys too, if we're not careful.
"Really?" Kaminari whispered. And then he broke into tears. Definitely NOT expecting that.
"Wow, dude. What's the matter?" I asked, genuinely worried.
"I love ya man, I'm just so happy you remember." He choked out between sobs. I couldn't help but chuckle a little, but I started to cry too. I can't help it, I'm a sympathetic cryer!
"I love you too, bro." I laughed through tears. And then we were all just on the floor crying and hugging. Honestly I'm sure we looked a mess, four teenagers all huddled on the floor laughing and sobbing from pure joy. Not to mention the fact that Sero and Kaminari were in their underwear, and Mina was wearing gym shorts and a bra.

We all ended up falling asleep on Kaminari's floor, in some weird positions might I add. And when we woke up we all felt dead, we were utterly exhausted.
While walking back to my dorm, I kept seeing little things that were triggering memories. Random things like a vase with some flowers in it, suddenly I remember the time I accidentally broke a vase as a child and was beaten for it. The pattern in the carpet reminded me of a shirt Kaminari bought just to goof off in.
It started to hurt my head all these memories flooding back, I felt dizzy. I stumbled a little, my head was spinning. The combination of sleep deprivation, hunger, and memories made my stomach turn. And when I passed Shoji in the hall, oof. Images of him flushed into my brain, causing me to stubble to the floor. He quickly rushed over and helped me up, and somehow we ended up in the nurses office. I guess he carried me but I really couldn't see a thing.
"Well young man, your memories are finally coming back. It makes since that you're feeling sick, just lay down and try to sleep. I'll explain to Aizawa why you won't be attending class." I heard Recovery Girl tell me.
I slowly opened my eyes, blinking at the bright light shining in my eyes. Gosh, what time is it? How long have I been asleep? I looked around the room until I located a clock. Holy crap, schools over! I slept the whole day! I hoped I would make it to a couple of my classes, I'm already so behind, this isn't helping.
I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stood up. I didn't see Recovery Girl anywhere so I just left the room. I wonder if Bakugou knows my memories are back? I'm sure Mina and the others told him.
While walking through the common room a couple people waved, and asked how I was feeling. I just gave them quick replies and went to Bakugou's room.
"What." I heard his grumpy voice call out after I knocked.
"Hey man! Can I come in?"
If you know Bakugou, then you know whatever means yes. So I opened the door, and walked over to his bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"A lot better. My head still hurts a little but I'll live." I answered.
"So, you remember."
"Yeah, yeah I do." I looked over to him, and saw an unexpected sight. Bakugou had a slight smile on his lips. Just a small upturn in the corners of his mouth, but a smile nonetheless.
"That's really great Kiri."

Hey, so I'm not dead. I know that it's been over a month, sorry! Life is super busy! School, church programs I help plan, helping take care of my family since my mom is sick a lot. Oof. Also I hit a writers block, but I have some ideas. So I'm gonna just skip the boring part. Kiri remembers, hip hip hooray. I'm not going to write about the doctor appointments and all the poopy boringness.
Also it's October y'all! I freakin frackin love Halloween with all my heart. HANDS DOWN BEST HOLIDAY EVER!! So Happy Halloween everyone!
Stay spoopy


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