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I was suddenly feeling empty. My heart was racing. "I must be panicking", I thought. I was struggling so hard to breathe. I couldn't. My vision was getting blurry and I felt a wave of nausea. Suddenly I was curled up on the bus floor covered in my own puke. It was scary knowing I was going to get hit and screamed at. I heard someone coming.
"Amy... Amy!"
Phew. It was Beth.
"Are you ok? Did you just throw up?"
I'm far from ok.
"Yeah... no... I... "
"Let me help you."
I tried to get up but my legs were too shaky.
"I can't... Ben... He..."
"Amy, what happened?" said Beth with a concerned look. "Did he get you pregnant? Are you sick?"
"Ben is..." and I puked all over myself. Waaay to go.
"Oh my god. Here. Let's get you cleaned up. John, Rocky, can you clean this up while I'm helping Amy?"
"Wow... what's wrong? Shall we call an ambulance?" said John.
Ben woke up due to the smell of puke. I was in the bathroom getting changed and washing my hair in the sink. I heard him yelling. He was mad.
"What happened? Who threw up? Amy did? Is she okay? Babe, are you in there?"
"Fuck off, Benjamin." yelled Beth.
I got undressed and then Beth looked terrified. In my state of mind I forgot I was covered in cuts and my skin was blue and purple all over. My knees felt weak again.
"Amy... babe..." she whispered. "What makes you hurt so much? Is it him? Do you miss home? What's wrong?"
"He... he hurts me..."
"So badly that you cut yourself?"
Out of the sudden the door fell on the ground. Ben knocked it down. He was scared.
"Amy, what... what happened? Did you fall down? Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry for being sick."
"Did you have a panic attack, baby?"
He was pretending to care. Bullshit. He did not care.
Beth left the room and I was left alone with him. I fell down on the floor naked and started sobbing. I felt so exposed, vulnerable and helpless. He hugged me and washed my hair. He was not angry for once. I felt loved. As I was crying uncontrollably he was caressing my back and hair.
"It'll be okay. Maybe we need to see a therapist. I know this guy, Josh, the one you bumped into... he is a therapist. He does good work."
He just said his name. I was speechless.

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