Part 3

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Friday morning was your chance to lie in. You worked at the pub on Thursday night's and, with no classes today, this was your one morning to be lazy.

Unfortunately, you were rudely awoken by Jess and Hannah knocking on your door at 10am. They both had an early 8am lecture on Fridays so would sometimes call by yours with breakfast on their way home. Plus you'd not spoken to them since you'd been out with Niall and knew they'd be desperate to hear what happened.

They knocked again louder this time and you giggled to yourself as you got out of bed and tied your hair up.

"Good morning!" Jess said rather too enthusiastically.

"Good morning to you." You smiled back.

Hannah gave you a hug before taking off her shoes and getting into your bed and opening her pastry bag.

"Go right ahead!" You laughed before excusing yourself to the loo.

When you got back Jess had joined Hannah in your bed and was tucking into her pastry too.

"Did you bring me anything?" You asked as you switched on the kettle.

"Of course! But you only get it once you've made the tea and told us the gossip." Hannah replied.

"How about I eat it while I tell you?!"

"Go on then, but make the tea first."

With no room left in your bed thanks to the girls, you pulled up your arm chair and sat down, propping your feet up on the edge of the bed. Both girls were eyeing you up over their mugs of tea.

"Ok, so it was a date." You said trying not to grin too much.

"Told you!" Hannah said.

You launched into the story of the evening, including every detail that you could remember. Jess nearly died when you told her about meeting Conor O'Donohoe.

"You're kidding me?! You lucky bitch. Bet he smelt amazing."

"He did actually." You replied smugly.

"So, did Niall kiss you at the end of the night?" Hannah asked.

You paused for a moment, not knowing if you should share the amazing good night kiss you'd had at your door.


"Its ok, neither of us have any friends other than each other so we have no one to tell!" Hannah said reassuringly.

That was true, the three of you were really close and didn't tend to hang out with anyone else. You were close to Jasper and Luke who you worked with at the bar but you wouldn't share this kind of stuff with them.

"It was the best kiss I've ever had." You admitted.

Jess squealed and clapped her hands like an idiot while Hannah asked more questions. It mimicked the scene in friends when Rachel tells Phoebe and Monica about her kiss with Ross. Where the girls turn off their phones, grab the wine and ask if they need tissues.

By the time you had finished the story you found yourself desperate to see him. Telling them about the kiss, had brought all your emotions from the last few days back and your heart ached knowing you didn't know when you would see him next.

"Hey, why the sad face? You said the kiss was amazing." Hannah asked.

"It was, but I have no idea when I'll see him again. He's going away on Sunday for like three weeks."

"Ah that's shit." Jess said.

"Has he messaged you?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, which makes it worse I think. I really like him, we got on so well even after one date."

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