Chapter 1- Start over

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Backstory: Your name is moved houses leaving your old life behind after your father had an affair and cheated on your mother. You enroll at a new school, with new friends, then you meet him...

Ruel's POV: I was scrolling through Instagram looking at all the edits and pictures my fans had taken and made. Until one in particular caught my eye. I clicked on the profile, my eyes were immediately blessed by the beauty I saw. Hundreds of pictures of the prettiest girl I had ever seen, her long hair and bulging eyes staring into the camera. Her name was Bum. I made it my duty to find more about her and explore every detail I could find. I was going to make this girl mine.....

Bum's POV: After returning home from school, I walk through the door plonking down on the couch. I was tired, the day had been shitty. I scroll through Instagram seeing so many post of my favourite person.... Harry Styles. I stop for a second hearing a slight noise upstairs which was unusual as no one was least I thought. I speed toward the knife block carefully pulling one out. I quietly creep up the stairs, hearing the noise get louder and louder. Finally I was right outside, I swing open the door and drop the knife on the ground. I open the door to see my father with another woman. I run out of the house crying as my dads booming voice yells at me to stop.

1 month later

Bum's POV: After what had happened by parents got a divorce, and me and my mother left our old life behind. We moved into a new house and school was about to start shortly, I didn't know anyone and I was ready for the hell that awaited me. Summer was finally over and the first day of school had begun. I stepped out of the range rover flashing my Gucci handbag in all of those poor bitches faces. Walking though the doors giving zero fucks of what someone would think of me. A make a bright entrance everyone's eyes on me.

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