Chapter 3- The beginning

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Bum's POV:
My first week was over and done at the new highschool and I was lucky enough to make some new friends. There was one girl I had been talking to alot... her name was Queef. We had connected on the first day as I had all my classes with her. Yet one other person continued to catch my eye..the cute guy I bumped into and how could I forget his sexy name...
(day dreaming) Ruel!!!
My mind was all over the place and my heart had been attacked by a fucking hottie 🔥😜.

Ruel's POV:
Ooof. I had seen many cute girls in my life yet none like the mysterious Bum.... The girl I had fallen head over heels for. After I planned on bumping into her and getting her number, next was hanging out yet I couldn't make it obvious that I was desperate for her attention. I needed her, I wanted her touch, her presence. All week my mind had been on her thinking of the many ways I could get things to escalate and then we could hit it off. It's was the last day of school for the week and just my luck, Bum had no plans on the weekend...(I knew this because she posted it on her instagram which I visit daily). I finally decided to text her.

Bum's POV:
I couldn't stop thinking, just the thought made me blush. I tapped my screen, pacing up and down the hallways of my new home. What's the worst that could happen
(let me think I get fucking rejected)
No...i shouldn't think like that, I mean who would'nt want a slice of me....then I got the text, the text that would change my life.

Ruel and Bum's convo:
R: Hey Bum, I heard from your friend Queef that your free this weekend? Was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me
B: Oooh hey Ruel, I would love to, got nothing else planned. Would rather spend my weekend with you anyway
Bum's Mind :  (Ahh did that sound to flirtatious. Shit did I Fuck it up).
R: Oh that's so sweet of you. Well I can meet you at your house at 12.00.
Can't wait to surprise you.
B: Ooh surprises, I love. I'm gonna have the house to myself ... Cause my mum is probs fucking some guy downtown.. it's what she does to move on after my dad cheated on her. Honestly I wish she would just pick one. (shit I probably freaked him out)
R: Well that's good for us, not so much for her though. I hope she is OK.
B: Yeah it's all good, just can't wait to see you.

Bum and Ruel's Minds:
Ugh that could have gone better....Although I can't wait.

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