Chapter 5- Bum's House

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Bum's POV: I nervously opened the door and there he was.
Mind: Did I just die cause OMG he is a snack. 😱
As I saw his glowing face and perfect curtains my eyes lit up, my heart was going to explode. He is Sooooooo cute. I said the first word, because I wanted to break the awkward silence and stares which we had been sharing for 2 minutes.
B: Hey, you're here please come in make yourself at home.
R: Ooft, wow you're place is so lovely and you look very beautiful.
B: You look beautiful to.. Ah I mean you looks handsome.
Bum's Mind: Ah why did I say that though, he does look so god damm beautiful.
He chuckled as we walked inside.

Ruel's POV: Her place was lovely but not as lovely as her. I could tell she was nervous, as was I. Bum twisted her hair for minutes as we sat on the couch next to each other. It was finally time to tell her what surprise I had for our date. She had no idea where we were going or what we were doing...I could tell because she wasn't dressed for the BEACH!! Yes that's where we are the beach. I wanted to teach Bum how to surf as I its one of my favourite things to do. I mean the beaches in Sydney are amazing

Bum POV: I was very confused about the surprise Ruel had planned. I just hoped it would be so much fun. Either way I would get to spend my day with him. 

B: Hey Ruel, so ahh what are we doing today.

R: Offt, that's right I forgot to tell you.........we are going to the beach

Bum's Mind: THE BEACH!! I love the beach and that means I get to wear a cute little swimsuit in front of him, how exciting. 

R: You do like the beach don't you???

Bums Mind: He seemed hesitant as if he had made a mistake wanting to go to the beach. I mean I don't blame the man, we barley know anything about each other. 

B: Yess I love the beach, the water, the company.

Bum's POV: I winked at him seductively, flipped my hair and began to stand up on my way up stairs to get changed.

B: Your more than welcome to get a drink, or watch T.V, I am just going up stairs to get changed I'm gonna be like 15mins ok.

R: Ok thanks.

Bum's POV: Shit I am freaking the fuck out. I need to pick the hottest but still cute bikini I have. One that he is gonna like...I pulled one out of my draw then held it up to my body. This is the one!!

Ruel's POV: I poured myself a glass of water and roamed around the living room. There were dozens of photos of Bum and her mum. I could see where Bum got her looks from. There I was on the couch awkward and alone. It had nearly been 15 minutes... meaning Bum was going to walk down those stairs any minute looking cuter than ever. I heard her faint voice "I'm ready" then I saw her slowly walking down the stairs. She was in a cute pastel blue bikini with a long sleeve flannel wrapped around her waist. Her hair was flowing over her shoulders and her eyes glistened as the sun hit them. My jaw dropped. She was stunning. 

Bum's POV: As I slowly walked down the stairs cautious of where I was going, I saw Ruel, his face was stunned. Ruel slowly swept his hand through his hair which was perfectly parted into curtains. He was impressed and I was so glad. I saw in his hand, he was holding something. It was a photo of me and my mother. 

R: Looks like you take after your mother she is gorgeous. Ughh I mean she looks just like you. 

B: She was gorgeous, until she started drinking and snooping around with men every night. Everyday never the same man twice. 

R: Whats her name, I'm sure it's just as beautiful as yours. 

B: My mums name, Ohh, you might want to retract that statement...her name is Orga-sim

R: Oh, wonderful. 

B: Well shall we go

R: Yes lets......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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