Four Fox Cakes

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"Just a little taste," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You asked if I wanted to sample the chocolate and red velvet cakes before I made my decision.  Just a little taste of both, please."

"Oh!  Forgive me, I was lost in thought," I explained.  If he only knew the half of it. 

I cut a small piece of each cake and placed them both on a small plate.  I put the plate and my business card on a tray and dropped it off at his table.  I had a few other customers to help, so I left my card just in case I was busy once he'd made a decision. 

Our eyes met, and I smiled.  He was on the phone and I didn't want to disturb him, so I went back to the front counter. 

I absentmindedly helped the customers at the counter.  Once everyone had been helped, which seemed to take forever, I glanced back to his table.  He was gone.  Damn, I thought, he's gone.  I glanced around, the whole place was empty.  I looked up at the clock and realized it was 3 minutes to 7.  No wonder it was dead. 

I walked over to the front door and locked it.  I began cleaning up for the night.  Once I'd finished cleaning up the kitchen I made my way to the counter.  I cleaned the daily specials off the chalkboard and wrote down the new ones in preparation for the morning.  Fridays were always busy and I wanted to get as much done tonight as I could.  I quickly wiped down the rest of the front counter area and made my way out to the few tables.  My bakery, Four Fox Cakes, was small, but it was perfect.  As I approached the last table, the table he had been sitting at, I saw a napkin with something written on it.  I picked it up and read it.  It said:

Thanks for the samples.  They are both delicious, but I haven't quite made my decision yet.  I will call you once it's made.  Thank you- Kim Namjoon.

I smiled.  If you think that's delicious, you should try my cream pie. 

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