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I didn't have much time to over-analyze RM's statement.  Within moments I was blindfolded.  Of course I started to try and figure out where he founds something to blindfold me with, but fortunately I was able to quiet those thoughts. 

He grabbed me by the waist and turned me around so that I was facing him, or so I assumed.  I put my hand out in front of me to feel his body, but I was greeted by cold air.  I took a babystep forward and tried again.  Still nothing.  The next thing I knew he had picked me up and turned me around mid-air.  He took a few steps and sat me down.  I could tell he had put me down my metal prep table, it was cold to the touch.  My arms were instantly covered in goosebumps. 

I felt my shirt being pulled up over my head.  I didn't stop him.  His fingertips started to explore the exposed skin.  I felt plump lips make a trail from my collarbone up towards my mouth.  When our lips met it was fire.  His tongue slid over my lips and implored me to open them.  They parted without hesitation.  As my mouth opened I felt his tongue slide in.  Our tongues played a game of hide and seek.  I felt his tongue tease mine and make circles as mine tried to catch his.  He abruptly broke off the kiss with a bite of my lip.  It left me panting.  Slightly embarrassing. 

"Lie back."

I did as I was told.  I slid to the top of the table so that my legs weren't dangling.  I felt something cold and smooth being spread across my torso, from my belly button to the underwire of my bra.  It smelled sweet. 

I felt a hand slide behind me.  He slide my straps down my arms and all the way off.  With my breasts exposed I felt very insecure.  I started to squirm.  He didn't pay any attention to my wiggling.  My waistband was now loose.  I heard a zip and felt my pants being pulled down off of my body.  If I thought I felt uncomfortable and insecure before, I was wrong.  This was definitely worse.  I started to sit up and reach for my blindfold.  RM grabbed my wrists and kissed me, pushing me down onto the table again. 

"You're beautiful.  Let me look at you for a while."

Was he crazy?  My hair was a mess, my breasts had fallen to the sides (THANK YOU GRAVITY!), and my thunder thighs were touching and exposed to the world.  

Fine.  You can do this.  You've always wanted this...

I laid there,  unmoving,  for what seemed like an eternity before I felt breath on my skin.  Lips followed the breath.  Again, they started at my collar bone, softly biting this time, and making their way down my left breast to my nipple.  He took it into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue.  He bit down softly.  I felt my body jerk, so did he.  He bit down harder.  A low pitch moan escaped my lips.  He rolled the nipple around his mouth a little longer, achieving the same results. 

"It looks like you need some attention too." 

He then took his time working my right breast the same way he had the left.  I was squirming again, but this time it was with excitement. 

He moved back up to my mouth, but he didn't linger.  His tongue touched the center of my chest.  He licked me, then instantly his lips were back on mine.  He tasted sweet.  OH!  It must have been frosting he spread down my torso.  He returned to where he'd left off and licked his way down to the top of my panties. 

"I want to taste you," he said in a husky whisper.

"Do you want me to stop?"

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