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I walked back into the kitchen as quickly as I could without it seeming like I was running away, though I clearly was. 

BreatheMaybe he didn't really understand what you said.  Of course he understood!  I'm an idiot. 

Not only did I most likely just lose a potentially large client, but I had completely humiliated myself.  No, humiliated wasn't a good word.  It didn't truly describe the pity and self-hatred.  Inglorious.  Shameful.  Ingloriously shameful shame. 

"I thought we'd talk about the cakes first, but I'm not above putting pleasure before business," he breathed into my ear.  I felt my body press against the industrial freezer as he placed his hands on top of mine and slowly raise them above my head. 

"Let me show you how I feel about foreplay."

His hands slid down my arms and partially down my back.  As he reached the mid-line his hand made their way toward the front.  He slid them underneath my bra and cupped my breasts in his hands, rubbing this thumb gently over my nipples.  He received an instant response.  His mouth had found its way to my ear.  First he traced the edge with his tongue, then took my earlobe into his mouth.  He began to lightly suck.  I felt myself instantly react.  A streak of warmth made its way down through my body. 

He knew exactly what he was doing to me.  The breath on my neck had started to quicken. 

I let out a soft moan, unable to hold it back.  My body was working against me.  I shouldn't be letting this happen, but I didn't want it to stop.  In fact, I couldn't believe it was actually happening and I wanted it to progress further. 

My moan encouraged him.  He pressed his body against mine.  Then he did an agonizingly slow body roll.  Oh my GodWhere did he learn to do that?  It was so unexpected, but it felt amazingMy breath caught.  I couldn't exhale. 

"All of that dance practice seems to have prepared me well for this solo performance," I heard him say. 

Dance practice?  Why on Earth would he be going to dance practice?  SHUT UP, BRAIN!  Now is not the time to start analyzing every little thing.  For once, just please let me enjoy the moment. 

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