Accidental Confession

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I hung up the phone.  A small part of me wanted to open the front door and tell him off and and ask him exactly who he thought he was, demanding to be let in after hours.  Ok, demanding was a bit of a stretch, but still.  However the majority of me was excited to see him again, though I didn't let that be known over the phone. 

I walked to the front of the bakery and looked out the door.  Sure enough, there he was.  When he looked up from his phone and saw me  he smiled.  I felt an instant flush go through my body.  I hoped my face didn't show my excitement, I didn't want him to feel like he could just show up and make demands.

I unlocked the door and RM practically burst through it.  He walked straight past me and around the counter. 

"Excuse me?  What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm putting a pot of coffee on for us.  I'm freezing and I'm sure you could use the caffeine."

"Do you normally act like you own the place no matter where you go?" 

"Sorry!  I just didn't want to trouble you since I've already caused you to stay late.  Now where do you keep the coffee?  And the cream?...And the sugar?"

"Fine.  I appreciate the gesture, but please go sit down.  I have things in very specific places and I'd rather you not dig around."

This makes no sense.  He finds my private phone number and calls it, forces me to stay late, and then waltzes in and starts sorting through my things to make coffee.  If anyone else had done even ONE of those things I would have resorted to violence, yet when he does it, I am turned on.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

"Ok!  I'll just take a seat over here and wait for you.  By the way, I really like the name of your bakery.  It's clever.  I love wordplay."

"Really?  I love foreplay."


Oh shit!  "Wordplay.  I love wordplay as well.  I'll be right back!"

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