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"Let me guess, I can look that up on a translation app later?"

"It means thank you."

"You're welcome?"

"Please don't take it wrong.  All of the physical was beyond words, but I am thanking you for letting me be free."

I stared at him, not knowing how to respond.  I'm not used to having deep conversations post-sex.  It's usually a few grunts and then sleep, or someone sneaking down my stairs.  He sensed my confusion. 

"You don't understand, do you?"

"Not really, I'm sorry."

"You were with me not because of who I am, but because of who I am."

"Yep, that clears things right up."  He was speaking nonsense.  I guess his post-climax brain isn't as sharp as he thought. 

"You really have no idea, do you?"

"Can you please stop speaking in riddle or questions or whatever?  It's really confusing."

"Hahaha.  I'm sorry.  I'm not trying to confuse you.  My name is Kim Namjoon.  I also go by RM."

"We've already established that."

"That is true, but did I tell you that RM is short for Rap Monster?"

"No.  You participate in rap battles or something in your freetime?"

"Not exactly.  Have you heard of BTS?"

"No, again with the questions.  Look, it's getting late and I have a lot to clean up before I can go to bed.  I don't mean to be rude, but if you could just get to the point and then I'll see you out."

A smile slowly crawled across his face, revealing the most adorable dimples I had ever seen.  Damn him.  He made it hard to concentrate and hard to stick to my guns. 

"Of course!  BTS is a Korean pop group, or KPop group.  There are seven members and their stage names are Jin, Suga, Jhope, V, Jimin, Jungkook, and RM.  As I explained before, I am Korean, I speak Korean..."

He must have seen I was still slightly confused.  I had never heard of KPop and why would I care if he was famous in another country all the way around the world?

"I am RM, though I usually go by Namjoon when I'm not performing."

"Ok.  So you guys are popular in Korea, or in like Japan, China, and some of the other Asian countries?"

He slid his boxers on and found his pants.  Digging into the pocket he pulled out his phone.  He proceeded to search for something and when he was satisfied, he handed me the phone.  I read the article.  My mouth dropped, my eyes grew wide. 

"Oh.  So you're worldwide famous?  I had no idea."  I was embarrassed.  How could I have allowed that to happen?  It was fine when he was just an alluring foreigner, but a celebrity?  An...idol, as the article called it? 

"Please, don't be embarrassed or ashamed!  That's why this whole thing was so freeing and enjoyable for me!  You didn't want to be with me because you knew I was famous.  You just liked me for me.  It isn't often that I find someone so genuine.  You let my body and mind escape and just feel.  You are truly amazing, and I'm not just saying that because we just had sex.  When I first started looking for someone to make that cake for me I did a search online.  There were tons of places!  So I had to find a way to narrow it down.  I used an algorithm to help.  After that narrowed it down some more I went to each bakery and just sat in the shops for a little while, observing.  I didn't last 5 minutes in a few of the places before my security team pulled me out because I was getting swarmed.  When I made it to your bakery I sat down and watched for an hour or so."

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