Episode-2 {Edited}

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This time she decided to have a real marriage, not a fake one as she doesn't want to miss even a single moment making Sanskar her's and while she becomes his completely.

As Swara planned everything happened the way it had happened in past and Swara never changed other than Shobha's accident as she was innocent in all this and doings of her daughter and Swara did not want to punish her for her daughter's mistakes, so she made sure to send Shobha to her sister's house in Benaras and she made sure to collect all the proofs against Ragini and made sure Sanskar's character was not portrayed in the negative shade rather in the grey shade all the while made sure to know Sanskar on a deeper level which never happened in past.

She maintained silence and made sure that this time she won't get hurt when Ragini pushed her from the bridge as she made arrangements for it with help of her best friends and bribed the doctor in the hospital to tell what they told him to Sanskar which was successful and she stayed silent when she was brought back to Baadi and saw Mrs. Sharmistha Gadodia getting humiliated post-Laksh & Ragini's wedding while she listened to all the taunts and degrading comments the society and Laksh made on her and her character while Sanskar was looking at her in confusion as to why she was silent not knowing the Devil was laying her trap to the people who were responsible for their pain and separation in past which he was unaware of.

Swara was standing near the bridge where she tried to do suicide last time and Sanskar stopped her from doing so, she was repeating the same this time too and as she thought that he will be here, soon enough Sanskar arrived there and stopped her scolding her in anger and seeing that she felt happy in her heart while doing a happy dance internally but outside she was pretending to be sad and broken.

"Swara have you gone mad, did you think about your Mother and Dida who are living only for you," Sanskar shouted at her but she was continuously looking at him with tears in her tears "What do you expect me to do Sanskar, my sister proved me characterless and separated our parents and married the man who I was going to marry while your brother instead of, trying to know the truth, he just went and married my sister," Swara said brokenly as past wounds were re-opened and they were bleeding causing her pain which brought tears to her eyes and seeing her like that Sanskar felt guilty as he was partially responsible for the things that happened to her.

"Swara I know that it is not easy to ignore whatever happened to you but do you think to waste your life for the person who doesn't care about you is worth it, Isn't it right to live for the persons who love and cares about you? Do they mean nothing to you?" Sanskar questioned her and Swara looked at him for a moment I am living this life because your love makes it worth and I am waiting for the moment to hear those three words from you and only you Sanskar Swara thought.

"You are right, this life is not only mine but it belongs to the person I love and by trying to kill myself I'm doing wrong with them, I promise I will never try to end my life stupidly just because someone tried to break me," Swara promised knowing how in the past life she tried to kill herself but how he saved and protected her even then and she was regretting thinking ever like that.

"I'm happy to hear that and I'm sorry as I'm also responsible for the destruction of your life, if I didn't instigate Ragini then today you would have been with Laksh, happily married," Sanskar said and Swara just wanted to slap him when she heard him saying that she would have been married to Laksh when she only belongs to him and only him but controlled herself.

"Sanskar, I told you once and I'm telling you again, you realized your mistakes and you are regretting it while you confessed those mistakes which takes a lot for a person to do so and I'm proud to say I chose you as my friend and second Ragini is not a baby that she can't differentiate between what is right and wrong, she was always jealous of me and when she got a chance to degrade me she did because she wanted to do not because you instigated her and you just gave her path and it was her choice to choose or not and she chose the path where she is now, I don't hold anything against you, " Swara said what she felt and what she wanted to say in past but she never got a chance to say while Sanskar was amazed at her maturity and understanding.

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