Episode - 7

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As the video was starting to play, Sharmistha, Dida along with Shekar, Dada and Dadi came there and they were looking confused as to why they were called here by Sujatha who called them on instructions of Swara.

"Shekar Ji, Sharmistha Ji, you people here at this time?" DP asked looking confused but being head of the family he greeted them.

"Ji DP JI, Sujatha Ji called us here and even we are confused as to why she called us here that too early morning," Shekar said.

"That is because I asked Mom, to call you Mr Gadodia, because as you said no daughter's yours can never ever be wrong and you are confident that your Laado can never do or commit any mistakes so I wanted to show how good of a daughter, wife and sister she is," Swara said and played the video of the previous night.


Sanskar was descending the steps while Ragini followed him to Kitchen hiding behind pillars when Sanskar felt like someone is following him, he reached Kitchen filled jug and turned around only to come face to face with Ragini who is looking at him angrily.

"What do you want Ragini? Leave my way," Sanskar said sternly and in a small voice not wanting to wake up anyone with this new drama of hers.

"Devar Ji, I'm telling you Swara is not good she was first behind Laksh Ji and now she is behind you, be careful and it is good if you leave her any way she is characterless that is why I'm saying," Ragini said innocently.

"Shut up Ragini, speak one more word about my wife and I will cut that damn tongue of yours without hesitation and if your memory is not intact let me remind you, I'm the one who helped you in framing Swara, so be aware of what you do or say about my wife," Sanskar roared which made Ragini flinch but she stood her ground.

"I don't know what you are talking about Devar Ji, but I know about my sister, that is the reason I'm warning you to be careful around her and nothing else," Ragini said and when Sanskar turned his face away not wanting to listen to her stupid nonsense she mixed something in the jug and just then Sanskar took the jug and walked out of Kitchen and drank some water and before he could reach steps he started feeling dizzy and seeing his State Ragini smirked.

Ragini walked toward the centre of the hall, looked around for few seconds and made sure no one was present and tore the cloth of her left shoulder, tore her own pallu, took her bindi and placed it on Sanskar's neck on the left side while smeared Sindoor on his left cheek and messed her hairs and started shouting which made everyone come down.

Once the video was completed everyone was looking at Ragini in anger, disgust and hate while Swara slowly walked towards Ragini who was trembling in her place seeing Swara coming towards her which made her feel like a prey.

"I warned you to confess the truth and never cross me or my loved ones but again you chose to do the opposite, you are so shameless, that you portrayed yourself as a characterless and raped by your own brother-in-law when there lot of girls really out there who go through this pain everyday, you dared to raise fingers on my husband's dignity which you shouldn't have done, I told you I don't love Laksh and I'm not here for him and I married Sanskar but you are hell bent on destroying my relationship with my husband, I already warned you that day to stay away from me and my life you chose to ignore it, if your stupid oaf of a husband doesn't try to move on then that is his and your problem not mine or someone else, today you will learn a lesson that will teach you not to cross me or my family again," Swara said and slapped Ragini so hard that she fell down which made her head clash with the table and hurt her but Swara didn't stop there, she took Ragini by her arm and slapped her again and again which made Ragini's face red with her hand prints while her lower lip busted even more from previous night.

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