chapter 1

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*just a notice. This story will be mostly in Skye's POV. I will have some POV changes but it will mostly be in Skye's POV*

(5 years old)

I was walking through the streets of the underground city. I didn't really talk to many people so I dont have any friends. I was walking around looking at the families and seeing how happy they were. I envied them. I didn't have any parents to take care of me. I've been on my own from the start. People now and then will give me a bit of food to last a while. But the most I got was a loaf of bread and a few veggies. But there's no complaints. At least I have some food.

I was grateful to the people. My short brown hair was messy and went down to my neck. I would take my hand and comb through it to make it look somewhat better. I decided that it was time to head somewhere to eat so I walked around for a bit.

I went down an old alleyway and started slowly eating the leaf of bread. I would only eat a bit here and there so itll last me some time. But because of the lack of food I had I was too skinny. You could see my ribs and my spinal cord. I still had some meat on my bones but it wasn't the normal amount.

After I had eaten a quarter of the bread I grabbed a piece of a carrot I had and took a few bites of it. I saved the rest and walked around some more.

I had walked around all day looking at the people. I decided it was time to head back to where I stayed so I turned around and headed back. When I entered the alleyway there was a man next to the box I slept in. "Who are you?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me. He had some food and it looked like he was sitting there waiting for me. "My name is Luke and I thought that maybe you would like to come and stay with me. It looks like you struggle to keep yourself fed. So why dont you come stay with me so we can help you get more food and some clean clothes." He said. I looked at him skeptically before I hesitantly nodded. If you're starving as much as me then you would do close to anything to get more food.

I followed the strange man back to where he stayed. He gave me some food before he looked at me with a crazed expression. He grabbed my arm and dragged be to the basement. I tried my best to get out of his grip. But I was too weak from the lack of food so i didn't have much strength. He took me and threw me into an oversized dog cage. I scooted to the back and held onto the bars. He laughed psychotically and left the room.

I sat there trembling in fear. 'I thought he was supposed to help me!!!' I thought to myself. I then curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

*Timeskip by the precious Levi*

The next morning I woke up to banging on the cage. I looked up and saw 2 guys wearing a white cloak type thing. They dragged me out of the cage and took me to a room that was all white. There were windows in the room that let me see many people along with Luke. The 2 guys laid me in a table and strapped me down.

"Give her the first injection." I hear that the voice belonged to Luke. One of the men grabbed a syringe and stuck it in my arm. He started putting the clear liquid in my arm. But the only difference of this liquid...... it burned like hell and back. I started screaming as he finished injecting me. I struggled against the straps as tears ran down my face from the pain. As the burning dyed down I was tired and my throat was already sore from all the screaming.

The men untied me and took me back to the cage. I laid my in there, surprisingly not throwing me. I was just barely hanging onto conciousness. The last thing I heard before darkness consumed me was 'I'm sorry' from the 2 men.

*hey little pups!! First chapter done!! I hope this first chapter was ok. This is my first fanfic. I'm working on other stories but this is the first I've posted. If you all have any other ideas for later on then go ahead and share them. I'll take them into consideration. Welp I'm off time to work on more of this story. See you next chapter my little pups!!*

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