chapter 5

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Skye's POV:

I walked around the field happily and dragged Eren with me. My wolf instincts had kicked in as i scented a deer. I growled lightly forgetting about Eren and took off into the woods.

"Wah!!" Eren yelled as he got yanked by the leash. I felt him slowing me down so I grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him onto my back. He held onto my fur pretty tightly but I ignored it as I chased the deer down. After a minute I jumped onto the deer and bit into its throat breaking its neck.

Eren slid off my back and stared in amazement. I picked up the deer and dragged it back to HQ (Idk what its called lol). A few of the humans came up to Eren asking if he was OK. When he replied they looked at me and saw me holding a deer.

They all widened their eyes and backed away. i didn't worry about i asked i took the deer a little bit away so eren could still see me and started tearing into the flesh of the deer.

Some of the people looked away and as I was eating. When I finished I saw Levi looking at me and watching me. I glared a bit and growled lowly. He didn't seem to enjoy that so he started walking over to me and I got into a defensive stance. I growled louder as a warning but he glared at me even more.

For some reason he hit A couple steps away and I instinctly took a step back. As he got closer my growling got quieter and my ears started to flatten. 'No no no no no!! I can't bow down to him!!!' I thought. As I saw him packing his hand near my head I started circling down to the ground as my tail tucked. I felt that he was a higher rank than I was and my wolf instincts kicked in making me bow down as if he was my alpha. I looked at the ground as I laid down. Damn wolf instincts.'

I looked up as I felt him put his hand on my head. I saw that he had a smirk on his face and I looked away annoyed. 'Why did he have to be my alpha?!?!'

Hello pups!! This is another chapter completed! How do you guys think this is gonna go? If you think about it it may be the right way! Who knows. Well. I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter! Continue reading to find out what happens later on! Bye my lovely pups!

Alpha Male (Levi x MaleWolfShifterOC) {VERY SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now