<> Rant <> Hating on Interests

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     I just wanted to take a moment to rant about something very dear to my heart. Hate.  I completely understand if we don't have the same exact taste in music, television, colors, fashion, etc.  But if you call what someone loves "stupid and idiotic" I know that I would blow up like a grenade in your face.

      I won't hold you captive and shove my interests down your throat, if you return the favor and stop breathing down my neck.

     Don't you dare hate on what you don't understand.  If you just couldn't remember what color underwear you put on this morning, would you just claim to not be wearing any? No.  Because that's the REAL idiotic thing to do.

      For all you know you could have just shunned someone for loving the one thing that has kept them alive.  You might not give a flying fruitcake about fictional characters, but I know that I and many others have had their lives saved countless times by people that never existed.

     That one random character that you don't like because he interferes with your ship?  He kept me from killing myself long ago.  That goofball in the funny wig made me laugh when I didn't want to live anymore.  That anime character from that show you said, "Was made for little kids,"  has turned me into a survivor.  That pink haired kid with the goofy grin, and the flying blue cat, has taught me what being brave really means.  Stop the hate.

     I know many people that when insulted, will gather their pain and throw it back to you in the form of anger.  Before you know it there are words cutting like knives into your soul, and bouncing between you two like electricity.   Nothing but pain filled opinions, aimed for the kill.  What good does that do?

     Stop, think, consider, and don't even dream about hating on what has kept others alive.  Because one day, you could wake up, with their blood on your hands.  The rest of them buried six feet under. 

     Words hurt.  They're permanent.  You can't just take them back.  And man do they hurt.

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