Chapter 3

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In a penthouse, in New York City, a woman about 17, with short brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a see through nightgown, woke up in a cold sweat and with ragged breathing. The woman then walked to her living room and saw the sun rising in the east.

"W-Who were those people?" the woman asked herself. "Why am I dreaming of them?"

The woman shook her head, before saying, "It doesn't matter... Those are just dreams and are not real. That's it."

"You know they're not dreams," a voice spoke out as the woman looked towards the window and saw herself with bat-like wings and a heart like arrow tipped tail. "You know that those are visions."

"Get out of my head. I am not you and..."

"Of course I'm you," Echo spoke, her voice gaining a seductive edge to it. "We are one and the same, Ochako Uraraka, and nothing will change that. The sooner that you accept that, the sooner you can get rid of your pathetic little friends."

"Why are you here?" Ochako asked her reflection. "I thought that Lady Aphrodite got rid of you?"

"You can never get rid of a Succubus, Ocha," Echo replied. "And my name isn't 'you', it's Lilith."

"Fine then, Lilith," Ochako said that name as if it were poison. "What are you doing here?"

"That's easy, Ochako," Lilith replied with a seductive look on her face. "I'm here to tell you that the Horsemen have returned and are waiting for the Gremories to arrive."

"What are you talking about?" Ochako asked. "I thought that the Horsemen were just myths made to scare people to be good and such."

"Aw, you poor, poor girl," Lilith said with a shake of her head. "They are real. And you know one of them."

"Who?" Ochako asked.

"Izuku Midoriya," Lilith replied, enjoying her human counterpart's surprised look. "Or as we supernatural folk call him... Famine."


Izuku Midoriya woke up, his eyes a pale green and an energy rapier embedded in the wall in front of him.

"Izuku?" Inko asked as she walked into his room and immediately saw Izuku's pale green colored eyes before asking, "What was it dear?"

"My death," Izuku replied as he controlled his breathing. "I saw Chisaki kill me and then Eri again... I just want this to stop, mom. I hate seeing my own death over and over again."

Inko looked at her son and said, "It'll pass Izu. I know it will. Anyways, on a different note, Jaune is here and he's waiting for you to get ready."

Izuku nodded and his mom closed the door, as he climbed out of bed and began to get ready, grabbed his suitcase, all before he walked out of his room and towards the kitchen where his "brother" was sitting at the table having a cup of tea and the green rider said, "Hello Jaune."

The Red Rider looked up and said, "Good morning brother... Had a nice nap?"

Izuku rolled his eyes and asked, "Are you ready to get moving? Or will I have to shove an arrow up your ass again?"

Inko just smiled and said to her son, "Izuku? What did I tell you about cursing in the house?"

"Sorry mom."

After having breakfast, the two Horsemen headed to the airport and saw the Arcs talking to Percy and a familiar redhead.

"Jaune! Izuku!" Percy said when he saw them. "Look who's here!"

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