The Horsemen One-Shot: Famine

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A man wearing a pallid green hoodie that covered the upper half of his face, a pair of jeans and red hightops walked through a crowd and into a villain attack/hostage situation. The same villain that captured Katsuki Bakugou before he went into UA.

"Stop," the man said his voice commanding. "Before your soul is sent to my brother."

"Who are you?" the villain asked.

"He who controls hunger, he who controls sin," the man replied pale green gas began forming and thickening around them. "I am Famine. The youngest of the Horsemen. And you, are my prey."

As the smoke touched the liquid villain, the villain then screeched out in pain as his body was beginning to disintegrate and he dropped his hostage into the smoke.

"I'll allow you to live," Famine replied as he made the gas evaporated. "But only so that you may seek redemption from the Lord."

He then looked at the hostage and said, "It's been awhile, Yaomomo, don't worry, I won't be long."

"H-How...?" Momo asked but trailed off as she saw herself in the dorm rooms of Class 1-A.

The Horseman then turned back to the villain and said, "Do you surrender now? Or will I have to send your soul to my brother? And do please choose the former... I do not like killing ones who do not deserve it."

As the horseman spoke, the green smoke began rolling back in, surrounding the villain who then said, "I-I surrender! I give!"

The smoke then proceeded to evaporate once more and Izuku said, "Good. You hear that, heroes! He gives! Take him in."

He then turned into green smoke and reappeared in front of his classmates where everyone got ready and Iida asked, "Who are you? How did you get here without the heroes knowing?"

"Is that anyway to treat your classmate, Iida?" Famine asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about?"

Famine then looked at Katsuki and said, "Oh, Kacchan, you're still here? I thought that you'd have left when I died... Guess I learn something new every century."

"IZUKU?!" everyone shouted. "HOW?!"

Izuku then flinched at the noise and said, "Quiet down will ya? I know I'm supposed to be dead, but..."

He trailed off when he laid his eyes upon a young child with snow white hair, and ruby red eyes that were filled with tears and Izuku then knelt down as the child ran up to him and hugged him as if he was her last lifeline.

""Y-you're here," the child spoke, her tears now rolling down her face.

"Yes, child, I am here," Izuku told her. "And I am here to stay, until it's my time to go back, I'll continue watching over you, as your Guardian Angel... Eri."

At that moment, Izuku didn't care about his destiny, about anything, not even his siblings, the other Horsemen. All he cared about was holding the child that he saved. The child named Eri. But, unknown to all, another great evil will rise as 4 worlds collide and turn into one. This evil is known as... Lucifer.

A/N: I will be doing 3 more of these, one for each of the Horsemen. I might even, if you all want me to, turn these into a story. For example, for this one will take place in the world of Quirks. This will be the first chapter, of course, and his siblings (Death, War, and Pestilence) will be in it along with their love interest. Just tell me if you want me to make this a story or not, or any of you could turn this into a story with your own story line. I do hope you enjoyed this and hope you have a blessed day. Goodbye for now!

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