One Shot #1 - A Ticci Toby Fanfiction

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A/N: Alright. So I'm going to do my Ticci Toby one first. Then, FNaF 1 & 2 in the next part. After, I'm going to do a SVTFOE alternative unviverse (AU) in my next part. So, enjoy my shit and sorry for lasting so long lmao. I'll also do random one-shots I made myself. Random. The art doesn't belong to me, it belong to Octavian. Obviously, Ticci Toby is the one in the middle. I'm also going to do a Jeff the Killer fanfiction because he looks hot <3 But that'll be after my FNaF and FNaF 2 fanfictions + SVTFOE + Random as fuck. Maybe, I'll do a Jeff X Nina. Who knows? But anyways, let's do this shit. 


← A Ticci Toby Fanfiction →

By: Jovana Sierra  



I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring throughout my room, rather too loudly. It echoed in my ears, and I groaned in response before grabbing it with much force and throwing it towards the wall. Cliche? I know, but it had to be done. That shit was annoying the fuck out of me. Welp. Time to buy a new alarm clock. I bought an alarm clock 'cause if I used my phone, I wouldn't was to see it smashed against the wall instead. So, I bought the classic alarm clock. 'Cause knowing me, I wouldn't hesitate throwing anything against a wall if it interrupted me and my beauty sleep. I stood up, abruptly, and proceeded to walk towards my shower, groggily. 


I packed up my backpack and got ready to leave for school. I didn't feel like seeing Chelsie, since she's in Depression Land right now. So I decided I'll just talk to Celeste, 'cause I needed the cheerfulness radiating off of her like tsunami waves. I couldn't help, but think about those weird text messages from earlier. It sounded weird, but I liked it. I didn't feel lonely anymore. And was like, "someone finally noticed me!" I found Celeste by her locker, bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

How is she this hyper and cheery in the early morning?

I walk up to her, with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Hey, Celeste." 

Celeste turns around, her preppy outfit screaming "Silence is a girl's loudest cry." She acts cheery and hyper, but she also sometimes joins Chelsie in Depression Land, with another quote screaming, "The happier people are the most faker they become." If that even made any sense.

"Oh, hi Stella, how are you?" She asked.

I nodded in response. "Good. Just a little dizzy is all."

"Dizzy? How?" Celeste asked, curiously.

"Um . . . I kinda slept late last night." I answered, hoping Celeste didn't ask me any more questions.

"Why did you sleep late? You know we have school the very next morning." Celeste said.

"Nothing! Okay? I was just watching YouTube videos late that's all." I was getting annoyed; irritated. Almost accusing Celeste of being a complete nuisance. Which was no lie, by the way.

Celeste just shrugged and proceeded to bombard me with questions about personal stuff----like life, for example. I didn't answer any of her questions, just walked away and let her yap away. Finally, my ending point popped like gum. My tolerance for Celeste just disappeared all of a sudden when I screamed, "Celeste! That's enough! I don't fucking know, okay?! So stop asking me all this personal shit that you're supposed to solve on your own with your family." I finally exploded, stomping away furiously, leaving a very dumbfounded and bewildered Celeste behind. I need new friends. Honestly, Mariah, a shy girl in my English class, sounds promising. Better than Depressed Chelsie and Annoying Celeste.

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