First Day of School

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"Y/n...come on it's time to wake up. You have your first day of school today."

I groaned and rolled over, facing away from my mom. (Who was still shaking me annoyingly.) I pulled the covers over my head and moved far from the headboard so I was squished at the bottom of the bed. It was extremely uncomfortable but I was not letting mom win this fight. She left my room and came back with a glass of water.


I stood up before she could splash the water at me and bolted to the corner of my room in a defensive position. She laughed and I did too, but I quickly stopped, trying to still look mad. She left my room and got dressed for the day in a pair of black crust pants, a Korn graphic tee, and a pair of my over knee boots.

I grabbed my keys and left the house to wait for the bus.

-time jump to at school-

I walked into the school and went upstairs to my new classroom to put my bag down.

"Y/n! Over here!"

I turned to see a group of girls and one of them with their hand up waving to me. I supposed that one is who called my name. I cautiously walked over to the group of girls who looked way more popular than me.

"Hi! I'm Katy! This is Janice, Rebecca, and Zoe." They gave a small wave and smiled, making me feel like I wasn't alone and other people here were shy too.

"I suggest you wander around the school a bit. Try not to get lost!" She said with a laugh and a smile. I reciprocated with a nod back and turned to walk away. Before I left the room, Katy said, "And try to stay away from the emos. They're no good." She winked at me and I left without another word.

What did she mean: 'They're no good.'? I'll find out sooner or later.

I walked through the hallways continuing my train of thought when I heard all sorts of noise from the library. I walked into the back room despite my brain telling me to stay away and not get into trouble so early on into the day.

I ignored the voice in my head and opened the door to hear loud, blasting music. There was a group of boys in there that the music was emulating from and one of them was just fucking screaming his lungs out. They didn't notice me as I stood there in the doorway so I stayed there and focused on their music and mostly the boy who was singing.

He had raven black hair, hazel eyes and possessed skin so pale it could've caused blindness if someone were to shine a car's headlights on him. I listened to the words he belted and tried to decipher the meaning.

well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own

if i crash on the couch can i sleep in my clothes ?

cause i spent the night dancing , im drunk i suppose

if it looks like im laughing im really just asking to leave

When they finished the song they started laughing and talking to each other while I stood there awkwardly. They hadn't noticed me. I didn't know what to do, so I just clapped. The boys looked up at me confused and I blushed a little when I made eye-contact with the raven-haired boy who was singing just a few moments ago. He didn't seem to notice so I played it off like it didn't happen.

I don't even know him, why the fuck am I blushing? It's too early in the day for this. I've been here for less than 2 hours!

I heard a voice, snapping me out of my thoughts and the raven-haired boy said, "You don't have to mock us with your sarcastic applause. We already know what you guys think of us, so you can leave us alone now."

I was dumbfounded by what he had just said to me, and I stuttered before clearing my throat and choking out the first words that came to my head so I could end the silence.

"What d-do you mean?"

"C'mon, we know you're here to mock us so get over with it or we'll be on our way to class." He spoke so sharply it was almost a shout. I felt a lump in my throat, as if I were about to tear up. I ignored the feeling and went back to trying (and failing to speak normally.)

" I-I just h-heard you guys from the other r-room and came to listen." I stated, trying to defend my reasoning for coming so they didn't think I came to cause trouble.

Jesus christ why do I even care? They are just a group of emo boys! But still...I feel bad for whatever happened to them to make them assume I was coming to try and hurt them.

The raven-haired boy looked down and shoved his hands in his back pockets looking for something and pulled out a guitar pick, handing it to his friend.

"Here, Frank. You left this at my house the other night."

Hehe, is he buying time?

He looked back up at me and reluctantly stepped towards me, offering his hand awkwardly. "Well, um, I'm Gerard." I shook his hand and he introduced me to the other boys.

"This is Frank, Ray, Bob, and my brother, Mikey." He looked back at me and we just stood there for a second, gazing at each other awkwardly, and we both noticed and looked away at the same time.

I fidgeted a little with my numerous bracelets and was about to speak when he said, "What class do you have first?"

I was taken aback by the sudden question and managed to stutter. "U-um, ch-chem."

He smirked and said, "Cool. Me too. Well I'll see you there, we have to pack up our music stuff."

I nodded and gave a small wave as I left the room.

Gerard. Isn't too bad of a name if I do say so myself.

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