An important conversation

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*Y/n's POV

I felt the sunlight shine softly through my eyelids as I slowly became conscious again, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I pulled the sheets off and walked to the bathroom to get ready. I looked like I just got hit by a train and later became a zombie.

Brushing through my hair, I noticed something shiny on the floor near the bathtub. It was a guitar pick with silver lettering and engraved into it was 'Frnk.'

I bent over to pick it up and slid it into my pocket to return to Frank later on, I guess Gerard had it and dropped it when he went in there last night. The the curtains in my room blew open again and I went over to shut the window, noticing there was a car outside in the driveway. I hurried to finish getting ready and locked the door behind me.

I went to ask why that person was in our driveway but it was quickly apparent that it was Gerard. I rolled my eyes and got into the car, slamming the door behind me before he pulled me into a kiss.

"Christ, Gerard. I JUST got into the car!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh shush, Y/n, you loved it."

I turned my head to face the window as I blushed the color of beets. Fuck, how did he know? I thought to myself as we drove to the school, it was the last day of school before break.

"S-so?" Gerard asked, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel to 'Sugar, We're Going Down' as it played on the radio faintly.

"What?" Stating it as innocently as possible. I could tell what he was really asking.

"S-so? W-Was it....was it g-good?" It was clear that it was awkward for him to say but if he wanted to ask, it must've been important to him.

It was funny how he could go from such a dominant alpha, to stuttering through a 3 word sentence. But it was cute so I answered him. Must've been his first time too.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Maybe he wasn't as confident as he seemed during it.

"I'm not sure I just...I've never done that before..." He said, looking down at his lap and blush overtook his pale face.

"Aw, Gee, baby. Don't worry about it, it was a first experience for me too....It was amazing. I can't imagine anything to feel better." I felt a little weird saying it, but I really wanted him to feel confident. He was too important to me to leave him feeling unsure.

"O-okay. Th-thanks Y/n." He kept his eyes on the road and his posture wasn't very tall, he was slouched and the rest of the ride was pretty awkward but it was nice to have alone time with him again nevertheless.

-_-_-Time skip to Lunch period-_-_-

I sat with Gerard and his friends when I made my way back from the lunch line. I scooted closer to him and he put his arm around my waist, holding me tight to him as we talked.

"So the new song? We need to rehearse that way more before our gig. Could you guys come to my house?" Ray said, wiping pizza sauce off the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

Mikey threw a napkin at him yelling, "Alright Fro Fro! Try using napkins! They exist for a fucking reason!" He chuckled and turned around to see a teacher behind him.

We all held in laughs as he looked up at Mr. Dema, his face quickly blushing a dark pink as he apologized for throwing the napkins and swearing.

He turned back to the table after the teacher left and adjusted his glasses awkwardly and pulled his beanie further onto his head, trying to hide from the eyes boring into him from surrounding tables.

Everyone at our table cackled at the sight of it and Mikey flipped us off discretely, making sure Mr. Dema didn't catch him again. His face was still slightly blushed as we made our way to the next class. I decided to talk to Katy.

Making my way down the hall to Katy's locker, I bumped a few people due to the sheer speed I was moving at, but I ignored them and moved on. Not wanting it to break out into a fight, I slowed my pace when I saw her.

The floor was slippery because it had just been waxed so hopefully she wouldn't try to punch me. I'd have no stability here. I'd fall right over onto the tile and embarrass myself in front of everyone around.

I stopped around 8 feet away, close enough to see what she was doing easily, but far enough to look inconspicuous. She was dressed in a gray pleated skirt and yellow long sleeve. It looked pretty damn good, I had to admit.

I took a few more deep breaths, and approached her slowly. Inch by inch. I'm doing this for Gerard. He doesn't deserve that experience. No one does.

I continued thinking about how sweet Gee was and how he'd never hurt a soul as I was walking forward, moving at a slow crawl still. And people say that 'males' are dangerous when in Women's bathrooms. Imagine if there were more Katies.

Her phone rang and she picked up, answering: "Hey!"

~Hey, Katy. How is it going breaking that kid?~

"The one with black hair? Pale, EMO?"

She said the last word with a bitter expression, earning a warranted punch to the face that maybe someday I would use.

"I'm getting close. Last time was maybe the 7th time. He fucking cries, you know that? Every time. He cries!"

~What a little bitch! Tell him to stay quiet or he'll have 2 people to worry about! You don't need people hearing it from the hall!~

"Yeah I agree. Alright well I have to get going! See ya later."

She hung up the phone and immediately my mind snapped back to the task at hand and brought me out of my thoughts. That son-of-a-bitch. I took my que and stood in front of her, speaking the first sentence to trigger the conversation I've wanted to have for a while with this fucker.

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