Confession of Suffering

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The room I was led into was actually quite comfortable. It wasn't anything like in the movies where it was cold, and concrete, with dim lighting. I mean, yes, the room was dimply lit but in a comforting way, the light was a warm tone instead of menacing.

There were a couple of chairs and a comfortable couch on one side of the room, along with a coffee table and a cup of tea that looked like it had been sitting there for a while. The only window in the room was covered with a harvest yellow curtain that made the room come together better.

All in all, it was not at all what I thought it would be like.

"Why don't you have a seat, Mr. Way?" It was less of a question and more of a command.

"So am I correct in assuming that you are in fact the right person?"

"Y-yes m-mam," I said, stuttering a little too much. Dammit, social anxiety! Why did Y/n have to do this? I'd rather suffer than cause trouble. I fidgeted with my hoodie strings for a minute before she kept talking.

"Explain when this started, and how many times. Please include the setting too." She stated as she placed a small tape recorder on the coffee table in front of us, pressing record before I gave my answer.

I took a deep breath and let myself calm down before I started.

"The first time it happened was about a month ago. I was in the boy's bathroom at school and she walked in. I just figured she made a mistake in which one was which but she didn't turn around and leave when she saw me. She just got closer and..."

I trailed off, staring at nothing in particular as my mind went back to that first time.

-Flashback starts-

I walked over to the sinks and placed my phone down on the edge of it. I kept my head down to make sure I didn't see myself in the mirror as it would just make me feel worse during the day.

I heard the door open and kept looking down. When she walked in my body tensed up, I wasn't expecting a girl to walk in but I just turned off the sink and pulled out some paper towels from the dispenser.

I assumed she was going to just turn around and leave when she realized that this was the boy's bathroom but she just kept walking in my direction.

I turned back to the sink to grab my phone and leave but before I could even touch my pop-socket, she pushed me down to the floor, hitting my head in the process.

Immediately I protested, trying to get up but I felt dizzy after the impact of my skull on the tile walls. She pinned my hands to the wall behind me as I was still leaning on it and started fumbling with the buttons on my pants.

Luckily, they were my tightest pair so it bought me some time while she was struggling to pull them off but as I tried to push her off me, she forced my head back to the wall, hitting the back of my skull yet again as I felt warm liquid on the back of my neck and on my shirt.

Knowing that I was down for the count for a couple of minutes and basically helpless, she pulled her shorts off and licked the tip of my dick, trying to make me hard I assumed before she continued.

She went on like this for about 2 minutes before straddling me and pushing me into her. I winced, as all I could focus on was the pounding coming from the back of my head.

When it was all over, she took my phone, erased my contacts and left me there before hitting my head on the wall once again, leaving me in an unconscious state.

-Back to current time-

I struggled to get my thoughts away from the incident after zoning out and thinking about what would have happened if Ray hadn't found me and carried me to the nurse over his shoulder.

"And how many times do you say this has happened?" The woman asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"A-about 7?" I answer, still shaken from the flashback that was totally uncalled for.

"And you can confirm that the lady outside was most-definitely the one who did it?"

"Y-yes, m-mam." Fuck why did I have to be so wimpy?

"Thank you, Mr. Way. That's all." She took my forearm to help me stand up and brought me back to Y/n. She gave a small nod to the man watching Katy and he gave her a push between the shoulder blades, leading her to a small cell in the back used for people who were ready to be jailed.

Y/n stood up in tears and wrapped me in a tight hug, saying things like, "I'm sorry." and, "I just couldn't take it that she wasn't being punished for making me go through that."

And I wasn't mad at her at all. Yes, she did cause a big thing, but she is helping me. And that's more than anyone else has ever done before. I hugged her back and gave her a small peck on the lips before we walked out of the police station and to her house.

*Y/n's POV

I know that it was kind of shitty to take charge of the situation without Gerard knowing what was going on, but at this time, I didn't give a shit. Katy was in cuffs, Gee was getting help, and I was going to be there for him.

Because I know, that there aren't enough people who are. So even if he hates me after this charade, I will know that the bitch who caused him so much pain and suffering, was in jail, and wouldn't hurt him anymore.

I waited for almost an hour while Gerard was in questioning, hoping that they weren't scaring him because if they were, they were going to have to answer to me. If there is anything I wouldn't be able to stand right now, it was someone who hurt my little Gee.

So when he came out, I engulfed him in a giant hug, that lasted for a few seconds before we had to pull apart. He gave me a small peck on the lips before we left the police station and went to my house to wind down and just watch some movies.

Together (Gerard Way fanfic) *IN PROGRESS*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن