I Will Never Hurt You

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*Gerard's POV

Ray looked slyly at me and said out of nowhere, "She's into you, man."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Did you not see her fidgeting like that? She was even stuttering and avoiding eye-contact!"

Is he really going to do this now? Fuck off Ray!

"Shut up Princess Fro Fro!" I shouted, blushing under my face paint, and turned to grab my phone from the chair next to me.

Frank snickered and Ray quickly shot him a dirty look, followed by a smile to let Iero know he was joking. Bob and Mikey ignored our bickering and instead chose to discuss the upcoming gig we had at the After Hours Cafe tomorrow.

-time skip to getting to class-

"Boys. You're late to class. What were you doing?" Mr. Dema said as we walked 10 minutes late into chem class, ducking to avoid recognition. It didn't work. Obviously.

I looked down and replied for all of us. "Putting away our band equipment, sir." I hated calling him that but he might let us off easy...

"Very well, boys. Get settled and don't be late again. And please go to the bathroom and wash that make up off your face before you sit down, Mr. Way."

I nodded and put my bags next to my seat before reluctantly heading off to the bathroom.

I slowly began to wipe off my white cream face-paint and muddy red eyeshadow, tossing each used paper towel into the bin beside me. There was a squeak at the front of the bathroom and I instantly knew someone else was coming in, probabaly to beat me up or something.

God damn. It better not be fucking Katy again...

I braced myself for the worst as a familiar face walked in.

"Hey, Gerard."

I knew the voice but it didn't seem like someone who'd hurt me before.

"It's y/n. Are you decent?"

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered out.

I swear to fucking god if Katy put her up to this, I will have Frank deal with her after school. What am I kidding? She'd be able to beat the ass of our whole group put together!

She walked into the bathroom all shy and with her head down. Nuh uh. I fucking knew that game.

"Look, if Katy put you up to this...I-I uh, I just don't want trouble okay?" I cowered into the corner a bit shakily and she jogged towards me a short distance.

Please don't do this. Not again. I can't take it.

I closed my eyes and turned my head away. Hearing a slight shuffling sound made me slightly peek and y/n was just sitting there in front of me, with a worried expression on her face.

*Y/n's POV

I quickly jogged towards the shaking boy sitting down in the corner of the room. He looked away from me, afraid. In an attempt to comfort him I sit down next to him. He stole a peek through his messy, raven black hair and his expression changed from scared to slightly curious.

He flinched as I reached to put my hand on his forearm. I scooted a bit closer and slightly leaned on him, with some butterflies in my stomach.

"Look, Gerard. I don't know what Katy did to you in this bathroom, but I'm not Katy, and I would never hurt you. I-If you don't mind me a-asking...what happened between you and Katy in here?"

"It's not important." He muttered, speaking barely audible enough to hear him. I rubbed his forearm where my hand already was and asked, "Did she do what I think she did?"

He took in a fast breath and said sharply, "I said it's not important y/n!" With that he stood up quickly, and got out of the bathroom in a split second. I sat on the floor for a second. Just to give him time to get settled back in class before I walked back in. It was best to give him some space for awhile.

The thought of him saying my name in such an angry way got to me, and I could feel a lump in my throat, but I swallowed it back and slowly stood up to leave the bathroom.

Walking back to the classroom I thought to myself:

What were those butterflies for? I don't like him in that way! Do I? All this happened so fast. I have too much to handle right now to be stuck on this thought.

I shook my head to clear it and entered the room, getting a look of: seriously? from the teacher. I rolled my eyes, making sure he didn't see, and sat down in my seat. Which just-so-happened to be next to Gerard. We didn't talk throughout class and at a free period I took the opportunity to walk up to him and his friends.

I stood there and waited for Frank to finish his sentence before I asked, "Excuse me, can I talk to Gerard alone for a minute?" I made an innocent face and they all nodded. Except for Gerard.

He made eyes at his friends not to make him go but that's when Ray said,

"He actually was wanting to talk to you too!" He laughed at his words and I appreciated him for doing that to his friend.

I grabbed Gerard's wrist loosely and led him to an empty part of the field, next to the bleachers where no one was. I let him go and just gazed at his eyes for a moment, not really knowing what to say to him now that I was there. I had something planned to say, but I forgot as I got lost in his hazel eyes. His eyes looked like they had flakes of gold in them while in the sunlight.

I stepped a bit closer to get better view and my lips subconsciously parted without me noticing.

*Gerard's POV

As her lips parted, all I wanted to do was kiss her. I wanted her to be mine. I stepped closer to her and with that, we were both leaning in. She closed her eyes as our lips met.

After about 5 seconds, I couldn't take it anymore, and deepened the kiss, running my tounge along her bottom lip for entry. She let me in and my tounge explored her mouth as I moved my hands up to her waist, having a fairly tight grip as I felt myself get a little harder, and pulling her closer so we were almost against eachmother.

The bell rang and we pulled away from eachother and walked inside, not making eye contact or getting close again. I mentally fist-pumped and got my stuff for the next class, which I didn't have with Y/n.


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