A Trip to The Police Station

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As she stood in front of me, ready for whatever I was about to say, I felt a sense of power I didn't think I would have. I could go off on her and she couldn't fight back because then people around us would know it was true.

"Katy, I know what you did to him." My voice was hard and I really sounded like I wanted to murder her right then and there. Because I did.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know who you are."

"You know." was all I managed to say before having to stop and look past her shoulder to calm down for a second before I continued: "You know what you did, and you know why I'm here. If you ever come near Gerard again, so help me I will not hesitate to make sure that pretty face is in the ground."

"So what?" she asked, before I answered she started up again. "We both know that little bitch deserves it. It's not like he should apologize for even existing with that sad life of his. I'm happy he has someone just as pathetic as him to hang around now. It almost makes me feel bad that I raped him. Then again, it was fun, so maybe not after all, Y/n."

I felt so enraged that all I could do was give a quiet, dark, stare before I left. After all, I got what I needed. And this was going straight to the police.

Because what she didn't know, was I had my phone in my hand the whole time. And I had been prepared with a voice recorder, before I even left lunch.

Walking straight out of the school, I stopped and called Gerard before the next class started.

"Hey Gee, baby? I feel a little sick so I'm leaving school early. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say bye before I left."

~It's fine Sugar, feel better okay?~

"Thanks, I will. Bye."

~Okay bye, Y/n~


I basically booked it to the police station, the phone in my hand the whole way there. This is just what I needed to get her away from Gee and out of our lives.

"Hello, can I help you?" The receptionist at the front desk asked. She had dark hair and her eyes were a green color. She was very beautiful.

"Yes please." I said, out of breath. "I need to show a recording to someone. It's extremely important."

"Okay no problem, what's the emergency? I'll direct you to the correct department." She said with a concerned look.

"I have here a recording I took at school, someone admitted to raping another student. I need help." I started panicking as I realized that I had left Gerard at school as Katy was also there.

Please be careful Gee. I thought to myself as she stood up with concern, and tried to calm me down by walking with me to the department I needed.

I took deep breaths as we made our way to another woman's desk and I sat down quickly pulling out the recording on my phone, wasting no time on cutting to the chase.

The detective I was now seated in front of asked me to show her what I wanted to show her, so I started playing the recording.

-Katy, I know what you did to him.

-I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know who you are.

-You know. You know what you did, and you know why I'm here. If you ever come near Gerard again, so help me I will not hesitate to make sure that pretty face is in the ground.

-So what? We both know that little bitch deserves it. It's not like he should apologize for even existing with that sad life of his. I'm happy he has someone just as pathetic as him to hang around now. It almost makes me feel bad that I raped him. Then again, it was fun, so maybe not, after all, Y/n.

The recording ended and the lady in front of me asked me a few questions before sending officers to the school to go and get Katy.

About a half-hour later they arrived with Katy in cuffs and they sat her down in a chair near me. The detective told me to call Gerard and ask him to also come over here so they could ask him exactly what Katy did to him.

*Gerard's POV

Y/n called me and asked me to come to the police station and I thought, Maybe she needed to be bailed out? But she wouldn't do anything bad, right? Right???

When I got to the station an officer asked me, "Are you Gerard Way?" I replied with a simple "Yes sir." My voice was shaking because even though I had never broken the law, their power just scared me.

Like, if they thought I did something bad, they could do anything to get me arrested. And that was one of my biggest fears. Jail, and needles.

He put his hand on my shoulder lightly and walked with me slowly to where Y/n was. I think he was trying to be non-threatening because he gave me a look of 'I'm sorry' before leaving with a small nod to the lady at the desk in front of us.

That's when I realized that Katy was there. In cuffs. Fuck. They found out.

My breathing grew heavier and the woman at the desk said to me, "Mr.Way, I'm glad you are doing well. Do you know why you are here?"

Yes. "Um no, sorry?"

"Mr. Way, you are here because we have a report of sexual assault. Are you not a victim of this?" She said in a hard but yet, understanding tone. She seems to think she'll scare me if she yells.

She will.

I ran my fingers through my raven hair and let out a deep sigh, keeping my eyes on the floor. I was led out by her while another cop kept an eye on Katy. Y/n stayed in place and we made eye contact as I walked out.

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