A Stoll? (Jason Grace x Brother! Reader)

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Third P.O.V

Y/n sat in thought. Did he really like a Stoll? He admired Connor a lot and wasn't ashamed to admit it. But, most people would take it as an 'I admire you, bro' type of way.

No one knew that Y/n was gay. He'd kept it a secret because he didn't know how his loved ones would react. He didn't want them to be repulsed by the idea of him strictly liking men.

So there he was, watching Connor set up one of his pranks. Y/n sat in a tree as to not be seen by the boy with messy, brunette hair. He just kept spacing out, thinking about how he'd love to swoop one of the Hermes counselors up off of their feet.

"Hey, Y/n, whatcha doing?"

That made Y/n jump in fright. He grasped his chest and looked at his half brother. "Oh, hey Jase. I'm just... people watching."

Jason hovered above the tree branch before he came to sit next to his brother. "It seems like you're watching a certain someone."

Y/n's cheeks grew hot. "Yeah, I am."

"Is it perhaps, Connor?" A smile grew on his face.


"You like hin don't you?"


"I knew it. I knew you were gay."

That took Y/n by surprise. He always tried to stay lowkey to which sex he was attracted to. "How?"

"I'm very observant when I want to be. I could tell by your body language whenever Connor was around that you liked him." Jason put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Maybe you should ask him out. You never know if he'll say yes."

"But, if her rejects me, I'll be devastated." Y/n hung his head.

"Think of it this way, our chance of dying is higher than mortals. You can either take your shot while your still alive, or die not knowing if he would've said yes." Jason gave his brother's shoulder a pat. "Think about it."

And with that, Jason flew away, most likely going to see piper. Y/n watched as Connor put the finishing touches on his prank and stretch as he finished. Jason's words floated through his mind.

Y/n jumped down gracefully from the tree, and walked with confidence towards Connor. "Hey, Connor."

He turned toward the son of Zeus and put a large, stupid grin on his face. "What's up, Y/n?"

Y/n rubbed his arm nervously. "Um, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out some time."

"Like as friends or more?"

"M-more." Y/n rubbed his neck and gave an unsure chuckle.

"Yes, definitely. We should do that."

"Really?" Y/n's eyes lit up with excitement.

Connor went over to Y/n and kissed his cheek. "Really."

"Okay. See you at 7?" Connor gave a nod and walked off with his prank.

Y/n was bubbly all the way until 7. Connor and Y/n had their date and many afterwards. They soon were boyfriends, fiances, then husbands with all due time. And Hermes even approved of it.

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