Pan? (Clarisse x Sister! Reader)

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Warning: Triggering

Third P.O.V

Now Y/n was nervous. Being an Ares child and apart of the LGBTQ+ community was going to be hard. Y/n knew that.

But when she had her eyes on a transgender boy, she knew she would be in for an earful. Her siblings would most likely have non of it, a long with her father. So, she decided to keep it to herself.

Currently, Y/n, her sisters, Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, and Reyna were at the beach. They were all just chillin' until Piper asked Clarisse about her and Chris. Piper got the answers she wanted  and then went on to ask the other girls.

Y/n was hoping she didn't ask her, but all she did was jinx herself by thinking of that. "What about you Y/n? Anyone you're interested in?"

Y/n felt pressured, so she just blurted the words out. "I'm pan!"

Clarisse scrunched her eyebrows. "Pan is dead."

"What she means is that she's pansexual," Piper cleared up.

"Unacceptable." Clarisse shook her head in shame. "You should only like guys, not girls or transgenders."

Y/n hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry," Y/n apologized.

"What do you have to be sorry for, Y/n?" Piper questioned.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the genders you'd date," Hazel said. "I'm mean, Nico's gay and there's nothing wrong with that."

Clarisse shook her head once again. "Do you understand how dad will react if he found out?" Y/n's other sisters agreed.

"Yes, but that's what I'm attracted to. I'm attracted to Alex and I think that won't change."

"Alex!?" Clarisse shrieked. "You mean that transgender boy?" Y/n nodded. "Unbelievable." Clarisse and their sisters stood and walked away.

"There's nothing wrong with who you are attracted to. Don't listen to her." Piper rubbed Y/n's shoulders.

The girl nodded and didn't care that they didn't accept her. She had friends that were like sisters to her that cared. Them being Hazel, Annabeth, and Piper.

*Time Skip*

Y/n had to go on a large quest by herself. She finished successfully with a few gashes and went to Olympus. She briefed her quest and stood in front of her father.

He congratulated her but also disowned her, for he heard that she was pan. But, Apollo and Artemis stepped in and blessed Y/n. That day, she walked out of Olympus knowing she was loved and blessed by Apollo and Artemis.

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