Floor 7

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It was late at night and you still couldn't fall asleep because of the pain. You got up and bent the door handle. It was unlocked surprisingly.
You took the chance and stood outside your room. You didn't hear any footsteps so it seemed safe. You walked slowly trying to find an elevator. The exit would probably be on the first floor....

You looked everywhere and never found an elevator. This damn hospital was like a maze to you. You wouldn't have imagined yourself ending up like this. What if you die here? You were literally starving.
You found a door they led to a different elevator. A one where the doors were metal gates. You decided to risk it all and go in.

"Going to floor 1 - exit"
The elevator spoke.

You took a deep breath and stepped out. The place seemed very different from the others. There were pictures of murder scenes, old surgery methods. They really creeped you out. You saw metal doors with a code pass. You didn't know the code so you just guessed.

1556 - DENNIED
6889 - DENNIED

It was after three tries that the machine started to make lots of noise. The sound was probably heard in the 6th floor. You tried to cover its speakers so it makes less sound. But it didn't work.

You felt a strong grip on your shoulders as you were swig to face the person. It was another male, one you've never seen before. "What are you doing up so late?" He asked. You didn't know what to answer. You looked down at the name license on his chest.

[Min Yoongi]

It read out. He stared deep into you, waiting for an answer. You didn't answer again. "Looks like I'll have to put you to bed." He said. His tone was way more strict than the others. He seemed like his patience was really low. He gripped your arm that had been burnt. "A-Ah!! Stop! That hurts!" You yelled out. He looked at you. "Let me make it simple for you. In this world no one gives a shit if you're hurt or happy. Everyone loves life the way they want to. They don't have time to wonder about you. They don't have time to show mercy. Life's short you know?" He said as he grabbed your shoulders again. This time he held you closer. He grabbed the same arm and continued dragging you, but this time to the modern elevator.

"Going to floor 7 - Yoongi"
The elevator spoke again.

You were trying not to show your weak side. Tears were still streaming down your face. It seemed like the elevator was taking forever to open. You were thinking of a way to run from him to another elevator.

The elevator stops and it's doors open. As soon as the both of you step out, you yank your arm away from Yoongi and make a run for it.
"You little bitch-" You heard him yell down the hallway. His footsteps were really quick. You took all of your strength to run forward, but suddenly tripped. Your bare knees scratched on the unfinished concrete floor. You got up really quickly and tried to run. Your knees were heating up and blood dripped down on the floor.

The distance between the both of you was really small. Your jacket was flailing behind you which gave Yoongi a chance to pull on it. You were launched backwards and hit Yoongi. "Other might be stupid enough to let you slip by, but I'm not like the others..." he warned with a deep voice. You were about to say something when you were thrown over his shoulder and carried to a new room. You were exhausted from running and crying. All you could do now is cry and scream. The room was a bit more appealing than the others. The bed was nicer and there was less creepy equipment. The blanket had bears on it uwu.

He placed you some on the bed and went into a cabinet to grab a bandage and some more medicine to treat your wounds. You layed there silently and flinched at his cold hands touching your knees. He was done treating them and wrapped both knees with bandages. "T-thank you..." you said looking away. He didn't answer and left, locking the door. You sighed and curled up in the bear blanket and closed your eyes.


I couldn't find a pic of Yoongi being a doctor 🤯

pArdOn :(

Word count: 758

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