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When Maze was all alone in her room, she was bored. But when she was around her, her whole body was filled with excitement. As much as Eve didn't notice, Mazikeen was in love with her. But you knew that, right?
• • •
Mazikeen sat at Lux, wishing that Eve was beside her. She was sitting at the couch that Eve was consulting to her about Lucifer being a douche to her. At the time, Maze wanted to hate Lucifer for being with Eve. But the truth was that Lucifer wanted to break up with her anyway so she knew she couldn't. Also the reason that Eve didn't understand her love wasn't because of Lucifer.

All of a sudden, Eve came out of nowhere and sat beside Maze. With her usual cheery voice she said:"What's up, Maze?" Maze was startled because she didn't expect her to sit beside her. "Uhh... Not much, how about you?" Eve smiled at her with sparkles in her eyes. " I'm fine. So what are ya thinking about?"

Maze let out a very obvious sigh like she wanted Eve to comfort her. Being the nice person she is, she asked "What's on your mind, Maze?" with an understanding voice. Maze started explaining. "So there's this boy I like who who won't respond to any of the nice gestures I have been doing for her- I mean him even though they are obvious." Eve looked away for a second. It looked like she was a little upset." Well, I know I look cheery all the time but I really am very sad that Lucifer doesn't like me. I think he's a little upset about the Detective being away from her. You can always tell him that you like him and want to be together." After her speech she gave Maze a sad smile.

Maze looked into her eyes and said "Thanks Eve..." She got up and headed for the elevator. She didn't even notice the sad Eve who was really concerned about her.


Maze went to her room and found a note and a box on her bed. It was from Linda. The note was, to be specific. The note read:

Hi Maze, this box arrived and it had your name on it so I put it on your bed.

P.S. What did say about leaving your knives out in the open? Someone is going to cut themselves and also when the baby comes i will not tolerate it any longer!..

Maze laughed at the note and put it in her drawer. She hesitated to open the box since she gets a lot of death treats. But she opened it anyway. Inside she found a paper and a lollipop. Wait, a what? She starts reading the note" Dear Maze, I am Eve and i just wanted you to calm down so i rushed to your home so i can give you this lollipop. I felt very bad and wanted to cheer you up so enjoy your lollipop. And personally i think you should confess to that boy. He would be lucky to have you. ;D
P.S. How do you drive so fast?!?!"

The note put a smile on her face just like the other one. She seemed to really care about Eve so why not go and confess like she suggested in her note? Maze decided to leave it for now and surprisingly enough, she fell asleep on the spot.


When Maze got up, she realized that she fell asleep and didn't get a chance to even eat the lollipop. She went and made herself a cup of coffee and saw that both Amenadiel and Linda weren't home. She looked at her phone to check the clock and saw that it was 10:34." Oh shit!!!" she exclaimed since she was nearly 35 minutes late to work she had to be there at 10:00 so that she can get the next bounty but because she wasn't, they probably gave it to another bounty hunter or it was too late. Can there even be another bounty hunter anyway? I mean she couldn't think of anyone else that would want to do a job that dangerous. At least she thought no one would. She went back to her room after she finished her coffee and put the lollipop under her clothes, the place she thought no one will look at. She ran out of the door hoping that the chance of going to catch the bounty was still on the table.

When she hot out of the door, she went to the precinct by taking a cab. She really was very tired.

She got out of the cab and walked into the precinct looking for the person who is going to give her the name, thought location and other important information to her. While she was walking around, she spotted Eve and decided to talk to her. As she approached her, she asked if she had seen a tall lady with curly brown hair. This time Eve was the one who was shocked. She said with a happy voice: "I think I know where she went she went in to the storage room to get something." As she talked, Maze thought that it was a little weird for her to be there so she asked " Why are you here anyway?" "Oh I was just bored and had nowhere to go." she answered with a excited face. Maze decided that she would like to talk to her more so she pretended to not know where the storage room is. "Can you walk me to the storage room I don't know where it is." Eve pointed to the direction it was and they started walking. Maze suddenly thought of the lollipop and decided to thank Eve for it"Oh and by the way, thanks for the lollipop." She smiled genuinely. Eve told her it was no problem and opened the door to the storage room. They both walked in and Eve closed the door. Maze got the sudden urge to kiss her...

A/N: Heyooo im sorry im a little bad at this i just started so pls dont judge me..
Thanks for the people who will read this and bye.

From the Garden of Edenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن