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Previously on Eden...
"We hope you like our service and food."

Maze asked "Eve, why don't you go ahead, I still don't know what I want to get." after 10 minutes of sitting in silence and deciding on what to choose. Maze really wasn't used to this since she usually went straight to the point. Eve nodded and waved at the waiter who previously gave them the menus. Eve ordered a burger since she didn't know what the other fancy things were.

After Maze asked for the same thing because she didn't know what else to get, they got their drinks; coke and a strawberry smoothie. "So, how are you?" Maze's voice called out to a very sleepy Eve. Eve muffled something like "Fine, how 'bout ya?" Maze muffled "Fine." imitating Eve. Eve suddenly woke up "Hm. What?!" Maze laughed at her very tired face. Then her words followed:" Look, if you don't feel well or if you feel sleepy, we can ask the waiter to cancel our order and you can go home, okay? Eve frowned. "No," she said with a sad voice. " I really want to be here with you." She grinned.

Their drinks arrived and they started speaking again. Eve asked "You know I'm kinda bored, do you have anything to talk about, like what are you thinking about right now?" Maze said "Umm... I don't know I'm just staring into nothing." That wasn't true. She was actually thinking whether if she would or wouldn't take the chances to tell Eve about the way she felt.

Eve asked "So what do you do in your spare time?" Maze was startled by the question. She didn't want to say something awkward for her like how she tortures men in bed for pleasure or something so she said "Nothing much, I just look at my phone and sometimes listen to music." Eve looked at her in a happy way." What kind of music? I mean what do you listen to?" Maze thought about it and said " I don't know, a little bit of Led Zeppelin maybe and a little bit of AC DC too." Eve didn't really listen to music since she had just gotten back to Earth after Heaven. So she just nodded at every word Maze said.

After 10 minutes of talking about music, well mostly Maze talking and Eve listening, their food arrived. Eve suddenly thought about that piece of paper that had the words "to die" written on it. She thought that if she just brought it up suddenly, she wouldn't have to suffer on deciding how to bring it up. "Hey Maze," she pulled out the piece of paper from her purse."what's this?" Maze's eyes grew bigger as she kept on looking at the piece of paper Eve was holding. "Umm... It's a piece of paper?" Eve sighed. "I know you dropped this, so come on." Maze looked away." Look, I was just trying poetry out okay? It was nothing!" Eve let out a breath she didn't know she was holding."Oh thank god. I thought you were going to kill yourself or- wait a minute," Eve grinned. "poetry? I never would have thought you were... into that." Eve bursted out laughing and saw a very embarrassed Maze looking down at the floor.

    "Oh... I'm sorry." Now it was time for Eve to feel embarrassed. "No it's okay. I was just bored and had nothing to do. You know what? That poem was for you! I started something for a person! I never thought I would stoop down to that level. I guess if someone doesn't like you back, then you should let go!" Maze sat at the other end of the table, breathless. "Y-you like m-me?" Eve's voice was very low. "Yeah, so what?" Maze seemed to have calmed down after that sudden burst." Well, umm recently I have realized that I don't like Lucifer anymore. I have developed a new crush, and it's you Maze, you." Maze's eyes shined with happiness and she looked up."Really?" "Absolutely." They both leaned in to steal a kiss. Their lips joined as tears ran down their faces. They noticed that everyone was now staring at them and they all started clapping.

    They both let out a small giggle and Maze asked for the bill. They noticed that their burgers were getting cold so they finished it up quickly and Maze payed for the bill. They went out of the restaurant and Maze said "Well, what are we waiting for?" She grinned, looking Eve in the eyes.

    A/N: Hello guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. If you are enjoying the story so far, can you share it with your friends that watch Lucifer. I really am thankful for all the people who read this. Again, thank you very much for reading since I don't get a lot of reads. Please comment because I would love to hear your thoughts. Ok see you.

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