Children please

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words count: 499



"Could we have children?"

Brian choked on his british tea. He turned towards Roger who was quietly staring at him, waiting for an answer.

"You mean... like our own babies?"


"But you're only 16 and i'm 18..."

"So what? Are you saying i'm not responsible enough?"

"What?.. No! God no! I would never mean that, it's just that... we're young and we don't have much money and i don't feel ready to have my own children..."

"We can only have ONE child if you prefer that way..."


The blonde pouted and angrily stood up to lock himself in his bedroom. Then he remembered that he shared it with Brian.

Brian calmly finished his tea before it could cool and went to the phone with a naughty grin.


"Roger!" Brian shouted. "Get your ass out of here!"

No response.

"I have a surprise for you!"

The door slowly unlocked. "What's the sur- OOOHH BRIAN!"

Brian was proudly holding a one year old baby in his arms.

"W-where did you buy it?!"

"That's not an object Roger! I didn't buy it!"




Brian frowned as if he questioned himself. Suddenly, his face lit up.

"My cousin let me take care of it for one day."

"I thought you didn't want any child."

"Yes but i thought it would made you happy..."

Roger's jaw dropped in awe. "Y-you did that for me?" he said with watery eyes. He squealed "OH C'MON ROGGIE JUNIOR! I'M GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT'S A REAL DAD!"

"His name is George."


"Yes, be carefu-"


Roger had his two hands awkwardly under Roggie Junior's underarms. The baby's eyes opened wide in fear when his body began to slip. Roger started panicking and gave the baby back to Brian.

"Look.." Brian started. "You have to put one arm under his bottom and the other hand holds at the top of his side."

"Oooh! Can i try?"


Roger tried again with his tongue stuck out in concentration. "LOOK BRIAN! LOOK! I CAN HOLD HIM! I'M READY TO BE A DAD!" Even though he didn't understand what was happening, Roggie Junior giggled happily. Suddenly, he frowned and his face went red as if he was holding his breath. As the good father he was, Roger noticed it.

"What's wrong lil' Roggie?" He asked with concern. The baby face went back to normal and he sighed in relief.


"Why does it smell like poo?"

"Try to guess Roger."

"Oh no. You do it it!"

He gave Brian back the baby.

"No Roge-"

"Ewww i won't face his shit! You're his cousin, you change him!"

"You wouldn't make a good father" he sighed.

"Then i don't want any children anymore. I don't want to be stuck in a poo mountain."


"I want a dog."

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