The Bartender

539 20 14

A short piece of angst. Surely an useless one

February 14th 1970

"...and what i wanted to tell you is that... is that i may fancy you, a little lot." the blond finally confessed, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

Brian stared at him blankly.

"I think i do too." he finally murmured with a fond smile. "Come here..." he opened his arms and Roger let himself fall between them with a trembling sigh.

At this point, the two young men had spent a very, very good night together.

Four days later

Brian was about to start another new chapter of his book when he heard the front door open then slam violently. Roger was home. It was unusually not very late, barely midnight. Brian put his book onto the nightstand and climbed out of his bed to go greet his boyfriend in the living room, when suddenly heavy sobs broke the silence. Brian frowned. Were these sounds coming from Roger?

The guitarist opened his bedroom door and hurried to the lounge where, indeed, Roger was. The blond man was sitting on the couch, his coat still on, as miserable sobs escaped his mouth.

"Roger? Are you okay?"

The man looked up and gasped when he saw the pyjamas-dressed, dumbfounded man.

The latter approached his partner slowly.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He kneeled down in front of him and looked at him worriedly, not daring to touch.

He didn't need to though, because as soon as he was close enough, Roger threw his arms around him and squeezed tight. "Brian..."


"I thought... i tought.." His incessant sobs made it hard for him to talk.

Brian sat close to him and helped him take his soaked coat off. With a comforting hand on his back, he spoke softly.

"What did you think?"

Roger took a long breath in, trying to calm his sobs. He started to talk in a half-confident voice.

"Well, i was at the pub next the park, you know, with Charlie, Freddie and all. I had already drunk a bit and remembered that you said you'd maybe join us later in the night."

He looked up with teary eyes and Brian only nodded at him, listening attentively.

"I feared that you might not see us, our table was in the back of the room. So i came to the bartender and asked him if he'd seen you around. I described you as tall and brown and curly-haired, and he said that he saw you about ten minutes earlier kissing a woman, near the restroom. And that i might not find you tonight because you'd left with her." Roger sniffed.

Brian's eyes were wide open and the man quickly defended himself. "That- that wasn't me! I stayed here all the evening, just reading my book. I swear that wasn't me, Roger-"

"I know!" Roger smiled and let himself fall onto Brian's shoulder. "I just believed it was true, until i saw you here. Since our couple was just so new, i thought... that maybe, you know..."

"Oh, i'm sorry. I should have come. I didn't know that it would happen."

"Of course you didn't, you couldn't have known. It's okay. C'mere." Roger wrapped his arms around the older man and sighed contently.

While Roger looked like he had already got completely over it, Brian was quite upset by the situation but didn't let it show. He made himself comfortable on the couch with Roger, knowing that Freddie and his other flatmates would soon arrive and wake them up.

I didn't even publish it and i'm already ashamed, i promised myself no to ever write again a sad!roger thing where roger spend the story crying and stammering but here we are :(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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