Pets (M/D)

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Word count : 1973


That's not actual maylor or deacury because i don't want to go in jail for zoophilia

John is 8
Roger is 5


John was walking home from school like everyday when he heard muffled whines behind him. He turned to where the noise was coming and saw a cardboard box covered by a small blanket on the sidewalk. He knelt down and slowly tugged the blanket.


There were lying two tiny puppies, one black and one brown. (there was no poodle, sorry)

John looked around for their master but the street was empty. Why would someone have left these puppies alone? He concluded that they may had been abandoned and decided to bring them home. He awkwardly took the box in his arms and they whined again.

"Shhh it's all gonna be fine. You don't have to worry, i'll take care of you" he whispered as he leaned his head completely into the box, which scared the little dogs.


When John arrived at his house, he tried to be as quiet as possible because he didn't want to draw his little brother's attention. Roger was seriously watching a car race on tv and didn't notice his brother running to his bedroom.

John put carefully the box on his bed and locked his door before climbing on his bed. He stared at the box but the puppies didn't move.

"Hey, don't be shy, you can get out. I won't hurt you." he said in a soft tone.

After ten minutes of silence, the brown dog popped his head out of the box. John's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but smile.

"Come on! I won't eat you!" he chuckled.

The puppy curiously leaned his head towards John. He tried to climb out of the box but its paws were definitely too short. John helped it to go out and he gently put it on his lap. They look at each other happily and John gave a scratch on the dog's head. He checked on the other one and saw that it was still curled at the back of the box.

"Come on, you don't have to be shy..." John said with a smirk but the black dog didn't move. So he put his hand under its tummy and lifted it up. Its paws tensed up in panic and John had to put it quickly on the bed. The puppy immediately stopped whining.

"So" John started. "Are you males of females?" He began to examine the two small bodies but since he wasn't a vet, he couldn't find their genders. He noticed that they were both wearing a little blue collar. He grabbed their tags and read aloud what was written on it.

"Freddie... and Brian" (lmao) John looked at the dogs with a smirk. "So you're little boys! Just like me!" Freddie, the brown one, yapped happily in response.

Freddie jumped on John which made the boy fall backwards and giggle. He turned over and tickled the dog's belly (wtf).

"Does it tickle?" John chuckled while the puppy was wriggling like a fat worm.

(can animals be ticklish? kslskslk idk)

John's hair was a mess and he was laughing like mad while playing with Freddie. Brian was staring at them with a pout. It would have love to be in Freddie's place but was too shy to join it and John. It wished it had been the first one to go out of the box.

"OH" John shouted. "I HAVEN'T FEED YOU! YOU MUST BE SO MUCH HUNGRY!" He ran down the stairs with panic and went to the kitchen. He tried to make no noise.

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