The disease

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Okay i'm gonna add trigger warnings, i don't know exactly how does the shit work or if there are things that trigger lots of people so um: i guess "aids" can be a tw? and i'll had "other stuff about death lmao i can't explain" xOXo
(i guess i could put 73862 other things but i may spoil everything if i did because the warnings would be just a summary of the story then IDK WHAT TO DO)


Dedicated to Ryan White. I don't know a lot about you but you were a very courageous and honorable guy, i hope you're happy where you are, :)


The story takes place in the the 80s. There's no Queen and Roger and Brian's ages aren't accurate.


It was December 24th. On this date, people were a their home with their family or friends, celebrating Christmas Eve around a good and expensive meal. They would eat and have fun all together during the whole night.

Well, this wasn't Roger and Brian's case. They were both spending Christmas in a London hospital quiet room. Brian was lying on the hospital bed, a breathing mask hiding a part of his exhausted face.

Roger was there, sitting on his side an wearing a weak smile. He carefully grabbed his boyfriend's cold hand between his two warm ones.

"Happy Christmas babe." said softly Roger. Brian tiredly craned his neck towards him. He tugged on his mask with his free hand until it was on his chin.

"Thank you. And thanks for staying with me." he said in an incredibly weak voice.

"You're welcome. Now put your mask on sweetheart." he smiled and helped Brian to replace the mask above his nose and his mouth. The older one gave his hand a small squeeze as to thank him and glanced at the clock in front of him.

It was midnight. People were now giving each other gifts, kisses and hugs. The kids who had been able to stay awake until this hour were now screaming in excitement. Though, Roger didn't envy them. All he wanted was to stay at his boyfriend's side and take care of him like he did every single day since Brian entered the hospital when he had his first respiratory problems, almost two months ago. He had been put on artificial breathing and the eighteen years old boy never left him alone more than a few hours. Even when Brian insisted for him to spend Christmas Eve with his parents, he refused.

When he was younger, Brian got infect by a blood transfusion from his treatment since he was a hemophiliac. He was then diagnosed with HIV when he was fifteen. He met Roger in high school and they became boyfriends, all that happened while his health was slowly and quietly deteriorating.

Today, he was twenty and the doctors unfortunately said that he was living his last days. Roger was ugly crying next to him, he tried to stay strong during the whole two months but today, his tears couldn't help but run down his cheeks. He closed firmly his eyes, not wanting to face Brian while he was being weak. He heard a small gasp coming from his boyfriend but didn't pay attention to it, still keeping his eyes shut close and sniffing. The grip on his hand suddenly tightened, then completely loosed. Roger lifted his head and opened his eyes. His heart dropped at the sight. Brian's heart rate line was completely straight while the man looked pale and wasn't moving anymore.

Roger gasped in fear and sharply stood up. He ran into the hallway, begging for help through his sobs.

A doctor and two nurses burst into the room, rushing immediately over Brian's bed. The old man nervously groaned incomprehensible orders to his assistants while Roger was watching, helpless. He would have given anything to be in the bed instead of Brian.

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