🍋Chapter two🍋

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   "Yeah, and then guess what?"


   "Milk shot right out of his nose!" Paula leaned forward and Tony let out a laugh at her statement. It was lunch time, and Paula and Tony we're sharing the latest 'tea' or so they called it. I was barely paying attention.

   Pretty soon I found myself glancing around the outside cafeteria until my eyes stopped on an unfamiliar sight. It was a boy. He had soft blonde hair brushed up into a tuft, his eyes a light and fiery blue, and a hard scowl across his face. "Who is he?" I questioned aloud. Nobody answered me, most likely because they were wrapped up in Paula's story. I decided to take it upon myself to find out.

   I stood up and walked over to the tree the boy was sitting under. I noticed he was reading a small book and beside him was a lunch of what looked like an omelette. "Hello." I greeted. The boy snapped his gaze to me. "Hi." He replied, his voice was flat. "What's your name?" I asked trying to get a conversation going. "It's Lucas." He said. "I'm Ness." I said cheerfully. "It's nice to meet you Lucas."

   "Sure." The blonde replied. "Why are you sitting here all alone?"

   "Because I like to."

   "But why?" I asked. How could anyone like being lonely? Lucas took in a breath "Because those people disappoint me, so I'd rather not talk to any." I furrowed my brow "You're a person too." Lucas hummed "Perhaps. But unlike most our age I know what's important." I felt myself getting confused. "I don't understand." I replied. "I know." Lucas said simply. "Go back to your friends Ness, you'll miss them." He then turned his attention back to his book leaving me in a cloud of questions.

   I brushed them off and went back to my table like he said. When I came back I was greeted by Paula's wide stare "You talked to Lemon Boy." She said. I tipped my head "Lemon Boy?" Paula nodded and pointed to Lucas. "We call him that because he's so full of pessimism it leaves a sour taste in the air." She explained. That made sense. "Interesting." I responded. And that was that. The rest of the day went by normally. But when I laid down to sleep I couldn't help but notice that Lucas had crept into my mind again.

   "Who are you, Lemon Boy?" 🍋

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