🍋Chapter seven🍋

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    I'm definitely in love. No doubt about it. I was walking over to Lucas's house to uh..tell him the good news. Was it bold? Yes! Did I even know if he liked me back! No! But I was hopeful, and Lucas would soon be mine! 

    I knocked on the door and waited until Lucas answered "Oh, hello Ness." His voice was soft. "Can you come out? I have something to tell you." I asked. Lucas's eyes flickered, and he stepped outside. "I love you!" I stated, my cheeks turning red. "What?" Lucas replied. "I said, I love you." I watched as Lucas's face went from confused, to amused "No you're not." He replied, a small rasp of a laugh in his voice. I felt my heart burning "I am! I'm really in love with you!" 

    "Ness! Ness stop! You're so funny!" Lucas covered his mouth to hide it. I scowled "I'm not joking!" 

    "You've known me for two months, you can't possibly be in love." Lucas said sharply. I stared at him for a good while before I sat down on the ground. Lucas frowned and sat with me "Wow." I said "You really know how to bum somebody out." Lucas hummed "I didn't feel the need to lie, Ness."

    "Well how do you know?", I turned to him,"How do you know that I don't love you." Lucas took in a breath "Because...love, true romantic love, takes a lot of time and effort. You don't know much about me at all, and I'm sure I don't know much about you." He went on, "You can't just throw yourself at people. You could get hurt." I looked down at my feet and thought about his words "Yeah..I get it."

    "You do?" Lucas replied. I nodded "Yeah, man, I feel kinda silly now." Lucas placed a hand on my shoulder "It's alright,we all make mistakes when it comes to these things." We stood up and he spoke again "I'm still gonna be your friend." He said simply. "Thank you Lucas." I murmured. "Mhm, see you tomorrow Ness. Go take a shower to clear your head." He said thoughtfully, before retreating back into his home. I blinked, nodded, and walked back home to take that shower.🍋

//Short and sweet chappy

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