🍬Chapter One🍬

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    My eyes snapped open, and I sat up. My spine tingled as my toes made contact with the frigid wood floor. It was a cool morning. I peered out my window to see the remains of the galaxy being peeled away by a rising sun. It was beautiful. I crept downstairs and into our living room.

    My father sat stoic and hard, staring at a fresh newspaper. I always found it strange how my father took pride in living off of primitive forms of information sharing. Holding back a sly comment, I made my way past him and into the kitchen. My brother turned, I assume he heard my footsteps. "Hey." He greeted casually. "Hey." I replied, my voice raspy with sleep. I ate breakfast and soon we were both off walking to school "I wish we went to the same school." My brother lamented as we walked. I nodded in response "Me too, Claus."

    Claus and I had to be in different schools since Claus had managed to get into an advanced science school. Specifically, biological sciences, Claus's favorite. "Maybe one day they'll kick me outta there." Claus bubbled. I hummed softly "Perhaps they might." I mused, though we both knew it would never happen. We stopped at Claus's school and he grinned "Alright, bye Luke love you!" The fiery ginger shouted before dashing down the sidewalk. I quickly made way to my own school.

    I walked into the busy yard and seek out my tree. It's my haven of peace from the chaos that transpired in the classroom walls. I sat down gently and waited for the bell to ring.

    My day went as planned, like always. I try to keep myself to a schedule for things. I suppose it's been a little harder to here lately."Hey Lucas!" I looked up at the cherry Noirette(?) and patted the grass next to me. "How are you feeling?" I asked in a quiet manner. "Alright." Ness replied "I've been thinking about stuff." I nodded in response,"Makes sense." Ness leaned back, his face marked by dappled sunlight. His lips curled into a warm smile, "You're really smart, Lucas." He complimented. "Not any smarter than you are." I countered. Ness fell silent for a moment before he sat up "I learn a lot from you, you know?" He said, his voice thoughtful. "Yeah?" I replied. "Yeah."

    "Well... I've been learning from you as well." Ness grew a wide grin "Really?" I nodded.
Soon enough, the bell rang in our ears and we went our separate ways...

    Ness is interesting. He's very kind to me, though I doubt I'd ever let him know my appreciation for it.  When he said he loved me I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel my heart swell. I suppose that's what being a teenager is like though. Young, dumb, and easy to get yourself lost in. I've found myself lost in Ness multiple times. However. I don't know if I'm ready to take these feelings any further, and I don't want him to waste his time while I find out.

    If I ever find out🍬

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