🍬Chapter Six 🍬

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I followed Ness through the darkness that was my street. Distant sounds of trains hung about, but a much louder sound was Ness's broken breaths. It was cold. We kept walking. "This exciting, isn't it?" Ness questioned, bubbling with delight. I gave a weak nod, "I suppose so." I answered. All was well on our walk before I felt a warmth in my hand and arm. "Brr!" Ness exclaimed pressing himself against me "It's really chilly out."
"It is." I agreed.
Ness held my hand. It was soft, innocent, very warm...
I pulled my hand away almost immediately, but neither of us chose to address it. "Look!" Ness pointed at the bottom of the hill we had climbed. I looked down into Onett and blinked. "Let's go then." I hummed before skidding down. Ness followed after me.
"What should we do first?" I asked him as he stood back up. "Hmm, let's go to the arcade!"
"At 2:00 A.M.? Won't they be closed?"
"Nope!" Ness laughed before marching into town. We came upon the arcade doors and Ness led me around back. "A friend of mine runs this place, he'll let us in." He explained in a low whisper. We walked until we met a fence and Ness knocked on it a few times. "Heya Pal!" A tall man rumbled as he swung open the fence door. "Howdy Frank!" Ness chirped as we walked inside. "What brings you to my humble abode?" The man, er..Frank, chuckled. Ness gave a grin "You know man, I wanna play some games. The good ones this time! I have a friend with me."
"I've noticed!" Frank replied eyeing me " What's your name, Sport?"
" Lucas." I said quietly. Frank extended his hand and I took it to shake. "Nice to meet you, Lucas!" I nodded in response and retracted my hand. Ness tapped his foot impatiently and Frank laughed "Alright, alright! I'll get your games!" He then went to what looked like a breaker box and flipped a few switches. "There, the whole top floor is yours." Frank called and Ness smiled delightedly. "Thank you Frank!" He sang "Don't mention it kiddo, it's the least I could do." Frank bellowed before Ness took my arm and lead me to the arcade doors.
"Who was that guy?"
"Oh, Frank?" Ness replied "He used to lead the Sharks, until I beat them up of course." I watched him in awe. "You beat up a gang?" Ness nodded, "When I was younger and rowdier." He laughed. "Anyway, what game should we play first? They've got Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Pacman... " Ness went on a listed a few other games as I waltzed over to one that caught my eye. On the side it had big letters gleaming Tetris. "What's a Tetris?" I asked aloud placing my hand on the machine. "Bro you don't know what Tetris is!?" I heard Ness's distressed Yelp and shook my head "Afraid not, I didn't play many fancy games when I was little."
"Yeah, but this is TETRIS! *The* Tetris?"
I fought the urge to laugh. " Just because you say it louder and more distraught doesn't mean I'll understand." I chimed. Ness made a strange noise and headed towards me. "I'll show you!" Ness kicked the machine and it started up. I stood beside him and watched him hum along to the music. I then leaned against him a little, and watched the game.  Ness went on about the strategy he was using but, if I'm honest, I wasn't paying much attention to what he said. Soon the game had ended, with Ness loosing. I watched him turn to me and yawn "I think we should go back to your place now." He said. I nodded in agreement. We walked out of the arcade after saying a goodbye to Frank. It was much colder out now, and I could see Ness's breath in the air. I hummed to myself and focused on my walking...

We got home and clambered clumsily into the window. Ness laughed a little at my attempt to maneuver my longer legs. I shushed him in response. I closed the window almost silently and then I let out my own yawn. I turned to see Ness already curled into bed with his eyes closed and a joined him.

I slept well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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