Chapter 4

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Mark's POV

I packed all my things I would need for at least a month in record time and arrived at the airport on time. Now I am far above the clouds flying to the man who holds my hopeful heart. I try to watch a movie as we're flying but every time I start to get into it, horrible images of Aaron flash in my mind. I give up about halfway through the flight and just stare outside my window. Aaron. I wish I had the guts to tell you how I feel, but I know how much you and Jess are in love. I sigh. Maybe I overreacted to him not answering me for a few days. He and Jess were probably off vacationing somewhere and he just didn't mention it. Well it doesn't matter any ways. I'm already on my way. If he's not there then I can just visit England. It'll probably be nice to have a vacation. I rest my head against the window and slowly drift off to sleep.

~in the dream~

I see Aaron off in the distance. His wrists are stained red and he has a silver knife in his hand. I try to move to him but I am stuck in this one place. He turns towards me his eyes are black and devoid of life.

"Why didn't you tell me you loved me sooner?" was all he said before he collapsed onto the ground. Suddenly I was free to move again and I rushed forward to him. I reached down to grab a hold of him but I don't catch anything because all that's left is dust.

I woke up with a start the flight attendant was shaking me telling me the flight was finished and I needed to get off the plane. I mumbled and apology and made my way to baggage claim, wiping off the last of my fear sweat.

Please, Just One More Time: A Markimash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now