Chapter 8

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Mark's POV

"You're free to take him home," said the doctor. "Just make sure you don't leave him alone. We don't want him to pull another ones of these stunts."

I nodded. "Of course doctor," I replied. "I won't leave his side for a minute." The doctor nodded once and moved on to another patient's family. I walked back into the room where Aaron was lying on the bed watching a rerun of Doctor Who.

"Am I free to go home now?" was the first thing out of his mouth when he saw me.

I laughed softly. "Yeah. That's what the doc and I were just talking about." Aaron practically leaps out of the bed once I had finished speaking. The hospital gown clung to his thin frame. I could see the ribs starting to stick out. He grabbed his clothes from the table.

"Don't look," he said. "I have to change." I looked away staring at the ceiling.

"You can look now," he said. He was dressed in some clean clothes I had brought him.

"Let's go," I said striding out and down to the cab I had called, Aaron following me all the way.

Once we were in the cab he said, "So how long are you staying with me here?"

"As long as it takes," I said simply. He muttered something that sounded like what the hell is that supposed to mean.

Once we got to his house Aaron just stood at his front door. Staring at it like it was some kind of demon.

Yami's POV

I stared at my front door, nervous as to the memories I would be opening with this door.

"Do you want me to go first?" Mark asked, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking. I nod looking down at my feet, slightly embarrassed that I couldn't even open my own front door.

Mark reached over and opened the door, walking in right after. I followed behind him. I was hit with a barrage of memories. How Jess and I had kissed here and told each other that we loved each other and always would. A tear falls from my eye and splashes onto the linoleum. Mark was there in an instant.

"Hey Aaron," he said concerned, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," I said sniffing.

He stared at me not believing me. "Aaron," he said again. "Are you alright?" I looked into his dark brown eyes and something in my heart stirred.

I looked down tears flowing down more freely. "No," I said "I'm really not Mark" I started sobbing and Mark wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok Aaron," he said rubbing my back. "Let it out." My sobbing intensified.

"I just don't understand," I said through the sobs. "I was so good to her, AND SHE JUST BETRAYED MY LOVE!" I screamed this against Mark's broad chest. He just kept rubbing my back as the last of my sobs died down. I looked up into his eyes and saw some tears standing in his eyes.

"What's wrong Mark?" I asked, wiping the last of my tears away.

He smiled weakly. "I just can't stand to see you so sad."

I reached up and wiped the tears that had started to fall from his eyes and smiled weakly. "Then I'll try to be happy for you."

Please, Just One More Time: A Markimash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now