
353 16 14

The beautiful cover is done by TheBrownEyedWonder

*Play Song*

"That's one fried fish, one steamed egg, and coffee with---well I should say sugar with coffee..." Aphmau announces, placing the dishes on the wood-finished table in front of one of her regulars. I mean, when you live on such a small island, you get to know the fellow locals. 

"That'll be $19, Mr. Ro'maeve." 

The somewhat elderly man fumbles for his wallet for a bit, before revealing the snakeskin pouch, a product of Garroth, his son's, shop from up the beach strip. 

"Thanks, sugar. Have yourself a nice day." The man then goes about his meal, always in the mood for food from Aph's Fish Shack. 

Aphmau does a quick round on the tables, her restaurant usually always this busy, before maneuvering her way over to the bar counter, where the cash register stood proudly and new. It arrived this morning all the way from the mainland, and even though it came at a hefty price, it was a worthwhile investment. 

"Hold up, Aph, here's another $20 from Table 5." A woman in her early twenties with flowing powder blue hair announces, thrusting, indeed, Andrew Jackson's paper face at her boss. 

"Thanks, Katelyn. Actually, do you mind checking if today's shipment is here yet?" Aphmau asks of her best friend, finishing up with the cash register to go check the order line. 

"Whyyyyyy, it's almost noon." Katelyn whines, rolling her eyes in slight disbelief at her friend from childhood's expression of confusion. 

"Oh, don't you play dumb with me. You know noon is when Aaron comes in for his lunch break." Her dramatization of swooning over the Lycan boy just inspired a short-lived chuckling session from Aphmau. 

"You, Katelyn Firefist, combat-ter of the waves, and waitress of the Fish Shack, want to see Aaron Lycan like that?" Aphmau says, continuing Katelyn's drama show, a bright smile tugging at her cheeks. 

"What ew no." Katelyn's display of utter disgust inspiring more laughter in the short, tan, business owner. "I want to see you, see the smoke show."

"Oh, speak of the devil..." And that's all Aphmau heard of Katelyn's voice as their attention, and basically, the entire occupancy of the beachside restaurant's, attention, turned to the figure entering in from the open entrance.

For Aphmau, at least, it was like everything was in slow motion and blurred besides him. His tan, 6'2 muscular figure waltzing into view, glistened in seawater and sweat to only emphasize the definition of his washboard abs and broad shoulders. He had a surfboard tucked under his left arm, as he had just ridden the infamous morning waves of Phoenix Peak. 

The whistling and glances from around the crowded and bustling restaurant were not in any way subtle as the literal work of art made his way over to the bar counter, his eye's locking with a certain someone's. 

He leans the board against his usual spot at the back wall, before taking a seat on his familiar bar stool, crossing his ripped guns on the counter as he leaned little forward, just barely a foot between him and the Phoenix girl.

"Why, hello there, Phoenix." He greets, his deep, syrup-soaked voice reverberating in Aphmau's eardrums as his crooked grin stimulated for her to crack a smile as well. Katelyn takes her leave reluctantly as a customer waves her over.

"What can I get for you, Lycan?" Aphmau says, wiping the counter of discarded fish remains with a dish towel. 

"Oh c'mon, you know I'm a sucker for your fried Tilapia." 

Aphmau merely smirks as she abandons the island's certified hottie, and notable ocean nerd, to head into the back kitchen to hand his order off to Travis, her main chef, and Katelyn's hottie.

But just as she is about to alert Travis, a certain voice stops her in her tracks. "Ah ah ah, what do you think you're doing, lil missy?"

Aphmau adjusts her gaze to face the gigantic tree once more, raising an eyebrow in slight confusion. 

"I want you to make it." He demands, leaning against one of the sinks, smirking mischievously. 

"Well, Travis here is perfectly capable of frying a fish, which he has done hundreds--- hundreds, right, chef?"

"Who's counting?" Travis chickens, unsure who to side with: his stout boss or someone who could snap him in half without breaking a sweat. 

"Well, as Travis makes a mean lasagna, you make it with a sort of ~loving~ warmth which reminds me of home." Aaron says sweetly, clearly catching Aphmau off-guard and with a tint of pink at her cheeks.

"Smooth." Travis murmurs under his breath, mentally taking notes while going about his kitchen duties. 

"Fine, sweet-talker....just no backseat cooking," Aphmau commands sternly, awarded by yet another Lycan laugh.

"No promises."

SKSSKKSKSKSK well hi crystals, issa been a while. 

Just when you thought I was done.

I am writing a fanfic on another fandom though it's just taking a little longer than expected as I'm not used to this bunch of characters just yet.

Have a nice day my crystals!

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