~Father Of All Monsters~

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*Play Song*

"Oh, brother...." Melissa utters abruptly, her eyes darting around the room to consider their faces, squirming under her brother's investigative gaze.

It was soundless for a solid minute until Aphmau, the usual diplomat of situations, breaks it, speeding over to join with the brunette in a welcoming hug. "Melissa! How are you doing?" 

"I'm doin' great, Aph. Haven't broken my Lil' brother's heart yet, have you?" The tan middleaged brunette inquires, her golden eyes still centered on Aaron. 

Aaron simply shakes his head, his sturdy arms folded in irritation because as much as he adored his elder sister, she was an absolute menace the majority of the time. "What are you doing here, sis?" 

"Oh, Aaron...we are all adults here...I think we can all assume why I'm here....." Melissa grins knowingly, watching in satisfaction at her brother shuddering at the thought. 

"Guys, as much as I love a good reunion. There is a reason we came here today, and we feel that you are one of the only people that can help us."

Lucinda considers Aphmau for a moment, her eyes narrowing in on the petite brunette as if seeking to read her thoughts. Then she nods, gesturing to the witch's cauldron.


The air disperses with emerald green magic as Lucinda casts into the cauldron powder from a clothed pouch, the entirety of the room darkening subsequently as familiar images flash above the cauldron as if they were holograms. 

"Such a tragic situation...the families...the poor girl...." Lucinda whispers, her fingers twinkling correspondingly as she controlled the images, searching through them as the entirety of her eyeballs illuminated with a blinding white. 

"How many victims?" Aphmau asks, her eyes also fixated on the enchanting sight. 

"Hmmm...." Lucinda ponders, her fingers flicking about as she searched. "This isn't the first instance involving this creature....it's peculiar.....I'm tracing it back in time....actually.....to the beginning of the time...."

"Oh...my...irene...." Aaron sighs, the colorful yet terrifying display reflecting off his pupils. 

Lucinda suddenly shudders, the light in her gaze clouding somewhat as if something so dark and evil had crossed her view. Something terrible.....dangerous....villainous

"Oh god.....no, it c-can't be...." 

"Lucinda...Lucy, what is it?" Melissa questions with concern, resisting the urge to reach out for her, despite how fragile she knew Lucinda was in this state. 

"Those are trapped in the depths of Tartarus...the witches and warlocks and gods and goddesses banished it from this earth centuries ago...." Lucinda cries, panting uncontrollably as the images flitted quicker and illustrated frightful playbacks in drawn form. Manifesting heroic battles lasting years on a ravaged earth full of tsunamis and earthquakes, not yet dominated by men. 

"Lucinda....what is in...the water...."

"Well.....what you encountered was one of the minions of....well, many cultures know of it by different names......various legends......but the same creature.....one which only Irene herself could imprison.....and if the minions are here....that means he must have escaped the very gates of hell....and is here himself."

"You don't mean...."

"Known as the 'Father of All Monsters' in Greek Mythology, and the most ferocious animal to roam mother earth....."


In this story, I will be altering Typhon's myth so please don't attack me with the facts, thank you.

Have a nice day my crystals!

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