~The Eye~

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Aaron was directing an underwater camera from the rocking research boat in midday, as Garroth asked nonchalantly the following question from the wheel: "So, you got lucky last night?"

This catches Aaron off-guard, his gaze veering from the computer screen displaying his marine camera's whereabouts. "What?"

"Oh, you can't play coy with me Aaron....you think I didn't notice you and Aphmau ~sneak~ off into the woods last night...." Garroth snickers, wandering from the wheel to the mini-fridge they had stored on the marine biology research boat, retrieving a beer for himself. 

"I think you had one too many of those last night, Ro'maeve." Aaron gestures to the beverage in the blonde's hand, before redirecting his attention to the screen, utilizing what looked like a game controller to command the machine, witnessing only the usual. Some occasional parrotfish and inadequate schools of tropical fishes, recording it all down in his notebook. Actually.....it was a little less busy than usual. 

"Hah.....you could be all in the bucket and still be able to tell the raging ~sexual~ tension between the two of you. I didn't subscribe to this periodic porno channel." Garroth quips, taking a long swig of his beer, exhaling the alcohol in delight.

"I truly think you have a hint of seasickness, my dude," Aaron suggests, again seeking to get Garroth off his tail. There is some politics on the island which would only be heightened if Aaron and Aphmau advertised they were dating so they decided to keep it under wraps for now. 

"And I think you are sick....for Aphmewwwww...." Garroth teases, but regards the abrupt shift in Aaron's expression, showing some severity. "What is it?" 

"It seems too quiet down there....all the fish are practically gone and....look at this..." Aaron says, beckoning Garroth over to scrutinize the screen as well. The image manifesting as much of the underwater world as it could, but it was essentially darkness. Aaron was right, all aqua foot traffic had pretty much come to a standstill, when something flashes across the screen, startling the two grown men. 

"What in irene's name was that?" Garroth exclaims, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and slight terror.

"I have no idea...."  Aaron murmurs, aiming the camera to look in the direction of whatever flashed by, but there was nothing. 

"Must have been a scared eel...." Garroth shrugs, thinking optimistically, Aaron thinking otherwise.

"That means.....there is something to be scared of......"

Just as the words rolled of Aaron's tongue, came an unforeseen jolt to the boat, the two men toppling over onto the floor, as well as some papers. The whole ship tilting just a bit more than if it were hit by an aggressive wave. 

"Garroth the wheel! I'm bringing the camera up...." Aaron orders as the two launches into emergency mode, preparing as fast as they could to retreat back to land. 

It felt like the waves had swelled and the sky had eclipsed with the jolt, and just as Aaron was bringing up the camera, he discerns a flash of something. Something more clear, more precise....more horrifying.

It was an eye, a prominent emerald green eye at least a foot in diameter which gleamed of lapis blue and violet purple, it's pupil concentrated directly at the camera, at Aaron, peering far into his soul before fading into the darkness. 

Almost as if to say, the creature will be seeing him again.

Have a nice day my crystals!

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