Chapter 4

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When Sora and his friends got to Sector 7, the pillar above the Sector was still standing. Sora looked up to see gun fire.
"It looks like there is a fight going on up there." Sora said. Wedge, a member of AVALACHE fell from the tower and Sora leaped to catch him. After Sora caught him and landed, he gently set Wedge to the ground.
"Wedge, are you all right?" Cloud asked.
"Cloud.... you remembered my name. Barret's still up there... help him." Wedge replied.
"Who is Barret?" Sora asked.
"He's the leader of AVALANCHE. He looks like he has guns for hands... you'll know him when you see him." Tifa replied. Sora nodded.
"Wish me luck. I'm going up there." Sora said as he ran up the tower.
"How is that possible?" Aerith asked in awe.
"I'm going up too. Aerith, you look after Wedge." Cloud said.
"Aerith, please do me a favor. I have a bar called '7th Heaven' in the neighborhood. There's a little girl named Marlene there...." Tifa started to explain before Aerith nodded.
"I take her somewhere safe. Just... look after Sora." Aerith replied. Tifa nodded.

As Sora ran up the tower, he was healing every wounded AVALANCHE member on each floor.
"GET OUT OF THE TOWER. I'LL HELP BARRET." Sora yelled. The AVALACHE members nodded, but also wondered who was he. As Cloud and Tifa started going up the Tower, they ran into Biggs, the first AVALANCHE member on the tower Sora healed.
"Thought you said you didn't care what happened to the planet, Cloud." Biggs said in confusion.
"Never said I didn't care what happened to people though. Now retreat for now, Sora, Tifa, and I will help Barret." Cloud replied. Biggs smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. Thanks, Cloud. Also thank that Sora guy for me... he healed me." Biggs said. Cloud nodded.
"I've give him the message."

As Sora got closer to the top, he got into the tower itself (instead of running on the outside of it) to save an AVALANCHE member being attacked by red robots with propellers on the top. Light flashed in Sora's hand as Oathkeeper appeared in his hand. One of the propeller bots flew at Sora and tried to slash at Sora with it's sword but Sora parried all of the blows. Sora jumped a bit as he slashed back at the propeller bot. He swung the Keyblade up, then swung it back down before he spun his entire body to bring the propeller bot down. As Sora was still in the air, Sora aimed his Keyblade at the other robot and unleashed a powerful Blizzaga on the robot, freezing it solid. Sora landed and smiled.
"No challenge at all." Sora said as he looked at the AVALANCHE member and healed her.
"Who are you?" the AVALANCHE member asked.
"I'm Sora, and I'm going to save your friend Barret." Sora replied.
"I'm Jessie... you saved my life." she replied. Sora smiled and Cloud and Tifa finally caught up.
"Hey, took you long enough." Sora said.
"Cloud, I'm so glad you're ok." Jessie said.
"I'm glad you're ok too. I see Sora healed you too." Cloud said. Jessie nodded.
"Jessie, retreat for now. I'll help Barret with Cloud and Tifa. You and your friends go get some rest... you may not be tired physically anymore... but not even Curaga can heal mental tiredness." Sora told her. She nodded.
"Thank you, Sora. Please... be careful." Jessie told him.

When Sora and friends got to the top of the tower, Barret was relieved to see them.
"Tifa, Cloud! You came! And you brought a new guy." Barret said in relief.
"I'm Sora." Sora replied.
"Nice to meet you. Wish it was under better circumstances. They're attacking us from that helicopter now." Barret explained as he pointed at the helicopter. Sora looked at the copter.
"That won't be a problem for much longer." Sora said.
"Stop." Sora said as he raised his Keyblade and the helicopter was frozen in midair.
"How... did..." Barret asked in shock.
"He keeps surprising me too." Cloud admitted. Sora raised his Keyblade again and a Pirate Ship appeared out of nowhere (Kingdom Hearts 3 attraction summon!)!
"Ok!" Sora said as he started to swing the ship quickly, slamming the hull into the helicopter. Reno yelled as he fell from the helicopter into the tower and Sora flipped, leaving the ship and making it disappear.
"What kind of freak are you?" Reno asked Sora.
"I'm a Keyblade Master." Sora replied.
"No matter. You're too late. Once I press this button... That's all folks, Mission accomplished." Reno said as he pressed the button.
"We have to disarm it! Cloud, Barret, Sora, please!" Tifa said.
"I can't have you do that. No one gets in the way of Reno and the Turks!" Reno said. Sora smiled.
"I'd like to see you try and stop me. Cloud, Tifa, Barret... find the bomb... I got this." Sora replied.
"Reno is powerful, I don't think..." Cloud started to say.
"I can handle this, go save Sector 7." Sora replied, cutting Cloud off.

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